so- people that support and continue to support the FAR right conservative agenda are fucked in the head.
We have people in congress that attend a CPAC convention to hear a NAZI speak - An autocratic leader from another country that talks about elimination of LGBTQ rights, or eliminating Mixed Marriages, so that his heritage does not get diluted ,,, like what - are we talking racial ,, black wihite? or No Italians marrying Irish, and no Chechs marrying english ??? Fucking really ??? And this is a man that recently discussed GAS Chambers as a way to rid his country of the unwned (according to him) people... yea...
WE had a congress-person praying with a January 6th insurrectionist in a made up jail cell at the Convention... This same Congress person - calling herself a Christan Nationalist - clearly invoking Hitler philosphy,,,,
We have BO BO - another GOP congress Person - saying that the Constitution guarantees us the right to Life Liberty and Happiness, that - hey just read it ,, its right there in the Constitution...
Ummmm- Listen BO BO --- It's not in the fucking constitution ! that is the Declaration of Independence !
That the Insurrectionist that carried a Gun into the Capitol building got 7 years in Jail.... for listening to and following the Urine Soaked Cheeto man,,,, all these people being jailed cause the believed the LIE --- the BIG Lie the stolen election LIE - I have no sympathy for you - go rot in the Cell - and oh - do you know who turned that guy into the FBI..... HIS Son .. yep - his own son,
I can go on and on,,,,,, SO listen- IF you support these type of people, vote for these type of people,,, stand for wha they stand for..... then the down fall of this nation is on you ,. when thing are going to hell in a hand basket - Your Responsibility !
In the past - prior to the former president- people could disagree
they could have a difference of opinion- without being in a cult - without all this Shit that is turning us into a 3rd world county...
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