Sunday, June 27, 2021

 Let me make this quick,........  I have tried to stay away from the news - a bit - but some stories keep popping up...

Know this : The "Chairman of the Joint Chiefs"  acts as the chief military advisor to the president and the secretary of defense. 

F&%*$er  Carlson of Fox (what they call) News,,, said this about the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs... That - and I quote - go look it up on your own !  labelled the US 's top US army general “stupid” and a “pig”.. that after questioning his position ,... "He didn’t get that job because he’s brilliant or because he’s brave ....”   This from a so called news agency that touts itself as "backing the Blue" and in support of the Military ... 

So while you are posting BAT SHIT CRAZY stuff about the former POTUS  and counting yourself as a defender of the Military and the FLAG and the Pledge of allegiance...  remember this. 

So - F&%*$er ! Let's just look at General Mark Milley's Military Service... He is an  Army Ranger and Green Beret, Milley has extensive combat experience including three deployments to Afghanistan as well as combat tours in Iraq, Somalia, Panama, and Colombia.  Fucker also belittled Milley’s intellectual abilities :  the general holds degrees from Princeton University, Columbia University, and the U.S. Naval War College. Miley also graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ‘s Seminar XXI National Security Studies Program. hummmmmmm  

so among others and listed below -  

Defense Distinguished Service Medal

Army Distinguished Service Medal (4)
Defense Superior Service Medal (3)
Legion of Merit (3)
Bronze Star Medal (4)

And if you do not know what all those things are that are pinned to his chest...  Let me save you the time to look them up .....

this is the Left Side:

The Right Side"

And he also has an Expert Rifleman's badge and 10 Bars for Overseas deployment. 

You can decide who you support - and what names you are willing to have them called. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Figures lie and Liars figure

So god help me - I'm watching  / Listening to the Mets game yesterday....

These announcers are about as bad as it gets ,,,, and I fully understand that the Yankee announcers also - as I guess maybe every hometown TV and Radio crews tend to pump up the Home team.....  They are all but running onto the Field to award the Cy Young award and MVP to DeGom Yesterday  !!  And pulling every pitching stat from every year back to the Old Testament  !

ANd yes - his stats are totally impressive , and I wish the Yankees had someone like him ... as good as Cole has been , DeGrom is considerably better,, as almost any baseball stat - you need to acknowledge what era they are being compiled in.   This will be the Debate of all Basball stats - pitching today - way different,,, as is hitting,,, Hitting in smaller parks, Home runs that go out on the Current Yankee stadium would be long fly ball outs if they were hitting in the old old stadium 0 that was 408 to Center - 390 / 385 in the LF and RF gaps...  OR worse if you played for the NY GIANTS in the Pologrounds 483 to center , 455 & 449 to the Gaps !!   and people will say , Night game, Travel, Relief pitching ....etc all have an effect,,,

Back to DeGrom - and let's compare  him to Bob Gibson ,,, as that was one of the guys they were touting as DeGRom being so much better than  - The stats they that do Not mention are Complete Games and innings pitched - and I do not blame the METS in protecting their guy - and  having him throw less pitches,  and Essentially NEVER face a Batter 3 times in a game,,,,

1968 - Gibson was Cy Young winner and League MVP 
He was 22 and 9 (I dunno how he lost 9 times ! ) ERA 1.12 , 34 Starts . 13 Shutouts .. 268 K's - 68 walks, WHIP .853, .. 304 innings pitched , of the 34 starts - 28 COMPLETE GAMES...  YES - this was long before you had a lefty/righty specialist, a SET-up guy and a Closer that you are paying millions to get the last 3 outs ...

Degrom - 2018 - he was 10  and 9 (Mets sucked - he was 11 and 8 in 2019)  32 GAmes and Starts - No shutouts...  ERA - 1.17, 269 K's and 46 walks , WHIP .912 - 217 innings and 1 complete game - ONE  - the total K's and K's per inning is amazing,,, but let's remember that today - the Strike out is not thought of as a big deal.... in 1968 (Pete Rose who was 2nd in MVP voting in '68 K'd Just 76 times in 692 at bats,,,   Yelich - the MVP in 2018 K'd twice as often as Rose ..

SO - 304 inning for Gibson - 217 for DeGrom - pitching the  equivalent of 10 more games.... 
And - Gibson had double digit wins in 14 straight year and 20 wins in 5 year , 19 wins in 2 , 18 in 1 year...   NOW - if I was DeGRom , i'd sue the MEt's for lack of Run support,,,   Gibson pitched for nearly 20 year, and Degrom is say half was thru his 8th,,,,, 

Friday, June 18, 2021

Travel advice

 Greetings !!!

So today I am looking for some travel advice,,,,, We are thinking of  vacationing near the Nations Capital - Washington D.C. - and would like to go see the Actual Capital  building ....  Now I know usually you would contact Travelocity, Expedia  maybe the National Parks service...etc ,...  But I am hearing now that other groups might make better tour guides... SO - I am a bit confused,,,, Should I contact the GOP directly  ?? or work thru some of the GOP senators ?? The Proud Boys ???  or maybe Antifa and the BLM folks ??  Or just go right to the FBI themselves .???

And secondly - on our tour will we need to bring our own Bats, Clubs, Pipes, Pepper spray ? Or will we be able to get them there ?  

Some of the photos that I have seen show huge crowds .... are there some days that are better than others to visit and are there FAST PASSES like Disney uses to get you to the Front of the line,,,   ? do I need a reservation ? Must I  scale a wall to get in or is that an option...,, or just walk up the front door and Break the Window?

 Is the Buffalo head and Horns a MUST HAVE or  what ?

and truth be told ,,,, I am not really asking for me  - it's advice for a  Friend.... 

When will be tired of hearing people lie to us ... trying to rewrite the narrative of what we saw. and what we continue to see ? Until there are men and women that are willing to put Country before Party - until there are  men and women that are willing to tell the truth regardless of how it affects them politically.  

Until then ...............  You keep believing the Lies that are out there and see where that gets us.....

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Why it's happening.....

 I think that what we are seeing manifest itself in todays society is the result of a POTUS that for four years plus,, made it acceptable  (in someones mind) to mistreat others that you presume are below you. 

To berate retail clerks, and cashiers that are doing their jobs enforcing, the Government or the Store Policies regarding Mask wearing or Other Covid related restrictions - like that person makes the Policy.  Being a KAREN to others that you think you are better than - and now you see Flight attendants taking some of that shit from people...  That you agree to wear the Mask on the plane then think you are better than others by doing s you damn well please .. The POTUS made that ok - in their minds - by insulting reporters, and bullying others to get his way...   He made that OK .... He made fun of others, including those with special needs,  and then by calling COVID the China Virus....  

It's gonna take a while to turn this around...

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

If you think the Hitting has been been bad - all you need to do is look at the Pitching,...


Wanna know how bad the Yankee hitting is - look at Team Pitching stats ...

TEAM PITCHING :  they have the 3rd best in ERA and Runs allowed in the AL &  2nd best in WHIP  - that's Walks & Hits per innings pitched... 

They are  Minus 7 in run differential - 
That means their opponents have outscored them by  total of 7 runs.

  The teams that rank just behind them in pitching stats are +50 and + 86 in run differential . Meaning that those teams have outscored their opponents by 50 and 86 runs respectively. 

To be -7 in run diff when your team pitching is near the best in the league means you ain't hitting $hit!!

2ndly today - I now have a new game to play ,,,, it's called how many of those Dryer Balls - yea we don;t use sheets anymore , we have these Soft Balls that roll around in the dryer - so it's how many will jump out of the Dryer onto the Floor when I empty the Dryer ?!?!?!?   This is a 2 part game -  a  Final ball ride to freedom  -   it's how may that did not make the leap to the celler floor then wrapped themselves up in the clothes,,, working their way down a sleeve or inside a shirt to be carried up stairs.  You are thinking geez - is this all this guy has to worry about  ?!?!?!?  NOT all , but - yea sure....

A Couple from John Hiatt

Buffalo River Home

Thursday, June 10, 2021

No Respect

 I don't Know who needs to hear this,,,   but bear with me for a few paragraphs .... 

We that live in and around the Hudson valley,,,   the " Hudson Valley" is named such because of the Hudson River. This beautiful River that flows from Lake Tear of the Clouds in theAdirondack Mountains- Where you can put one foot on each side of the River as it's a foot wide at the beginning,  and  flows  down thru the Valley emptying into the Atlantic ocean.  At times a mile - mile and a half wide and a 100 feet Deep at points. Home to Millions of Fish , Birds, wildlife along the way,  many many Creeks and Streams - Estuaries - that flow into her. Cities from Albany, to Kingston, Poughkeepsie, Newburgh, Cold Spring, Haverstraw, West Point ( where the then Army fighting the British pulled a Chain across the Width of the River to Stop the British from coming up the River)  to Yonkers, and New York City.  Hundreds more towns on her shores.... Tug Boats, Barges, Tankers,   Sailing vessels , power boats  - The Sloop Clearwater among others,,,   And BTW - the River is cleaner than it's been in Decades due to the work of organizations like Clearwater inc.   BUT ,..... BUT ....  

This is a River that has a Current ...... the  Flow of Water from the North to the South....  heavy Rain along the Shores and estuaries increase that Flow... as More waters enters the Estuaries the More water enters the river.  It is also a Tidal River - WTF is that ??!?!?  That is the affect the Moon and planets have on the water on Earth ,, Simply ,, that from Slack tide to High tide water flows into the River from the Ocean. Now - the Salt water ends near Haverstraw so that  the salt water stays far to the South, and they call the water that is mix - 'Brackish"  - Now this flow into the River pushes water north to the point of raising the Level an average of Just shy of 4 FEET... YUP FOUR feet on average - more or less depending on that moon and planet cycles.... so that the flow of the River turns from it's North to South path to moving water South to North !!!  Think about how much water that is to increase the level of the Entire area of the River From NYC to Albany by FOUR FEET !!  OK -  Then as the Water goes from High tide to low tide all that water starts moving to the SOUTH .......  think of it like this.... If you are in a boat while the tide is moving out.   and you dive  into the River to the South,,, when you come up ,,, you could be A Hundred yards away from that Boat !!! and I can tell you - no WAY in hell can you swim back to the Boat ! no swimmer is strong enough to overcome the normal river flow and the Outgoing tide !!

NOW - that I have explained this,,,  Let me get to the Point....  Many many people do not pay enough respect to the Hudson. EVERY year she takes a toll - a exacts a payment of sorts on someone(s) - I'm not talking about Jumpers -- those who leap from a bridge to the water -  ,,, yes, there are dumb people that show no respect by venturing out on her in the winter,  in boats, canoes, kayaks that are not meant for that.....  there are those that do not respect her power ,,, no PFDs - (lifejackets for those who do not know) They Swim with no concern of the Tide and Current,, and those things that you can't see under the water, Trees and such.....   EVERY year - she takes Swimmers, Bathers ... Adults and Children alike... in the last few years, 1 of 3 men in a Canoe did not make it back,  a boy that went into the River to get his School books back that some bullies tossed in was swept away , a fisherman who fell over board, a man bathing near Poughkeepsie walked off the Shallow end into the Current - Whoosh - Gone !  .... A Child swimming with her family , a man walking along a dock that tripped and fell in - innocent activities . Now sure there are  thousands that swim in her waters and go home that same day - however - I am here to tell you that she will collect her Toll , take her sacrifice if you will - by taking the life of those who show NO Respect to the River to the Power of the Water.......


Bobby Weir - Only a River

Sailing up my Dirty Stream

Sailing up my Golden River - Arlo & Sarah Guthrie

Saved the Best for Last ...  It's Pete..

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Let's be clear

  There are - I believe - two paths for the GOP and the like..

1) you support and believe  the "BIG LIE" ..  That with no evidence there was wide spread election fraud. That there was/is a country wide conspiracy  carried out by the Democrats and their supporters (even though the States that are currently and have been talked about as doing ANOTHER audit are States that have Republican Governors and Republicans Secretary of States)   to Steal the Election. That given all the law suits brought in many many courts across the  country they have shown NO PROOF  - No evidence of fraud. But you continue to listen to and follow one man down the rabbit hole of Lies... YOU actually believe that there is some path  for the EX President to be "reinstated to the Presidency" And that he will be back in power at some point this year.  Even though there is NO WAY there is a possibility of this happening,, there is no part in  Constitution - you remember the Constitution - that allows for this to happen. The States have certified the Election results, the Senate has done its job and the Vice President at the time -Mike Pence - has declared the election for  Joe Biden.    That you agree with Crazy ass theories about the insurrection at the Capital on January 6th , that this was carried out by BLM, or Antifa and others trying to make Dump look bad. and Read this next section carefully,,,

Even though 465 defendants have been arrested in connection with the riots,  Of those, at least 181 defendants were also indicted by grand juries. 150 officers were injured in the attack, according to sources on Capitol Hill and the Capitol Police union, as well as testimony from Metropolitan Police Chief Chief Robert Contee.Approximately 30 defendants have been charged with conspiracy, a charge that alleges defendants coordinated with others to commit an offense, including 16 Oath Keepers who have been indicted together in a single conspiracy case and 15 members or affiliates of the Proud Boys, who have been charged in four separate conspiracy cases.Approximately 440 defendants were charged with entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds. More than 40 were charged with entering the Capitol with a dangerous or deadly weapon, while around 25 were charged with theft of government property, the Department of Justice said. More than 30 defendants have been charged with destruction of government property, and during proceedings for three of those defendants, the government has said their crimes amounted to "terrorism" — an allegation that is not itself a charge but could influence prison sentences if they are found guilty. 

These were  and are supporters of the EX - President. NO Antifa or BLM.

You watch and believe FOX news  and the like QAnon as if that content was brought down by Moses ion the Tablets. 

You think that the best way to ensure GOP victory  in the Future is to Limit the rights of PEOPLE to VOTE ,,,


2) You are disappointed with the Election results, and will continue to work with the FACTS and continue to support things the GOP USED to stand for ....

Let me say that we should ALL be working toward a Path that was spoken on November 19th , 1863....

......  that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the PEOPLE by the PEOPLE, for the PEOPLE , shall not perish from the earth.

Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Just a few from Mavis,....

For whatever reason here are a few songs with  the Legendary Mavis Staples !!

He is known as mononymously as Hozieran Irish singer, songwriter, and musician. 

Andrew John Hozier-Byrne...

Hozier - Nina Cried POWER !

With Lake Street Dive - Build a Bridge

and Finally .........

OK - From the Last Waltz... the Staple Singers .... and The Band !!

In which many things are (not) Resolved ....

 #1 - ok - that did not work the way I thought,,,, but it will...  can't be one strike and we're out !!

#2 - There is NO process by Which an EX - President is reinstated into the Presidency ......Regardless or irr-regardless of what happens,,,  Read the Constitution... We have already discussed the Fake  / GOP only / idiotic recount in Arizona and what that outcome will be....  of course they are going to find "something" "anything" and then on that false basis they will attempt to do a Partisan recount in other states. 

#3 - Yes - Dump is a threat to our Democracy.  You saw what happened on January 6th,,, why would anyone believe that this planned "Summer of Lies"  Tour he is planning will not result in similar incidents.  Of course it will.  

#4 -  Think about this,,,, that a media platform - in this case Facebook/Twitter/Instagram are keeping Dump off their platforms because they think he is a huge threat to to the Country and future of our Democracy  - think about that for a minute - that an EX -President is even thought of in those terms !! 

Turning our selves away from the political arena - lets talk baseball.. and WTF is going on with the Yankees ??? The games - Most of them - are unwatchable ..... Last night s game a microcosm of the Season,..... 1st inning - two outs , runners on 1st and 2nd,,, an 0-2 count on the batter - BANG - Three run home run to Right - Sox lead 3-0...   You can turn it off there ,,, the Yankees are not scoring three runs,,, I don't care if it's in the 1st inning,.....   ok - keep watching,,, Yankees in the Bottom of the 1st - LeMahieu  singles, Stanton singles,,, you are thinking they are gonna get back into the Game ,, even of they don't tie it up- they can put up a run or two - right  ??? WRONG - ,....  Judge grounds into a 4-6-3 double play, LeMahieu to third , Urschela flies out to center .....  What else do you need to see..... Judge homers in the 6th, and they get another run - on a hit ?? - NO - on a throwing error !!   Plus the Yanks strike out 15 times in the game !  15 of the 27 outs, 55 % of the outs come via the K !! thats ridiculous ...  The bottom 4 in the Yankee batting order are hitting .182   .179    .198   .192  and collectively went  0 for 15 last night with 10 of those 15 K's ... no chance to win with those numbers..... 

Oh and another loss last night,,, Frankly I can't watch anymore.....

A couple from Jason Isbell and his wife Amanda Shires

God Damn Lonely Love -   written when he was with Drive by Truckers....

Tuesday, June 1, 2021


Let's talk a bout a few things.........

Why the F does it take DAYS for the GOP folks to condemn that Marjory Taylor Greene's statements about the Vaccine cards being similar to the Gold stars that the Nazi made Jews wear back in that day.

Huh??  WTF  ??  So being identified by a group of insane people so that they could commit genocide and kill Millions of Jews in concentration camps is the same as ,,,,,well Fucking ANYTHING ??!! She is simply NUTS !! but it took days for those in the GOP to come out and say it ....

We are close to the tipping point on HATE on America,.. we attack Asians because they had something to do with the Corona Virus .... yea right  - people that have been in the US and in many cases ARE US citizens had something to do with COVID -19 ... and BTW - we are so damn stupid that we are attacking ,,, Japanese, Koreans,, Vietnamese,.  like they are ALL Chinese!!  Don;' tor Can't figure pout who is who - 

Blacks are under attack by the GOP as they pass legislation to limit their access to voting - so that in future elections, they will not be able to or have a much harder time voting ,,,,  Back to the JIM CROW laws = if you don't know what that is - GO LOOK !!

Women are under attack by States passing anti Abortion laws  that will severely limit a woman's access to those services..... Look at the pictures of the Legislatures in the States and the Governors  of those states signing the bills,,,, a bunch of Middle aged white guys - deciding what a women can or can't do with her body !  and this Fall - the supreme court has decided to take on Row .v Wade in the most serious challenge to that ruling on Decades,,, the Conservatives finally getting what they want with a court that is tilted in that direction.. I don;t thing the case has a chance of holding up ....  Row .V Wade will be overturned,, and then the real fight will begin for those who want that service to be relegated essentially to back room abortion services.... an ugly and dangerous period will follow that court battle...

Thoughts and Prayers ...Thoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and Prayers

there - I have now addressed 20 or so of the next mass shootings in this country,.. cause that's all that gonna get done....  those that take money - blood money - from the NRA - to keep the guns laws in place as they are... no change needed - are culpable for the deaths that these maniacs cause,....  It's not really IF there will be a shooting event in your state or community,,, but when and how bad...  This second amendment bull shit is just that ...... read the Amendment .....  BTW - this strictly an American Phenomenon - other countries do not have these - JUST US - you know as American as Apple Pie !!

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The GUN folks don't read the first four words...  Let's ask what Well Regulated Militia were the shooters a part of ??? I

I still see DUMP 2020 and DUMP 2024 signs and flags !!  WTF ?!?!?  Why ?? and We recently traveled South and saw some places flying the Battle Flag of the Confederacy ..  

The Confederate States of America was a collection of 11 states that seceded from the United States in 1860 following the election of President Abraham Lincoln. Led by Jefferson Davis and existing from 1861 to 1865, the Confederacy struggled for legitimacy and was never recognized as a sovereign nation. After suffering a crushing defeat in the Civil War, the Confederate States of America ceased to exist.

These were people that fought to END the United States as we know it.  They took up arms against the Union,, they seceded from the US ... they then attacked and killed Union soldiers,,, thousands of them.  Imagine this today, What would we think - what happened to the AMERICA FIRST (and only) thinking ?  Convenient   thinking rules the day - we choose to forget what ever does not fit our agendas.

and let's talk about this Vote by the Senate to NOT support a commission to investigate the January 6th attack on the Capital....   Remember Benghazi - and attack on an American embassy - now that small portion of US land was on foreign soil, I think that 4 Americans died in the attack ,, the GOP led senate at that time launched 10 separate investigations ,,,, that all came to the same conclusion , yes - this was a horrible attack on America,  but not preventable by ANYONE in the US... 10 Investigations.  January 6th was an attack on a US institution - the Capital of the United States ON US SOIL -   but the GOP votes to NOT perform ANY investigations  !   YOU can tell me.....  What the Actual F is that about !?

and if anyone asks the  Question about the Difference between Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, Josh Pauly, and a Steaming pile of Shit  ?? you know the Correct Answer ,,,, There is NO Difference !!

All right thats all I can think about today,...