Sunday, December 6, 2020

Change Gonna come !!!

 Greetings !!!

Hope this finds everyone safe and feeling well,, AKA - No Covid virus. 

Yes - I think we all - well most of us  - are awaiting the Vaccine that will allow us to get back to the

life we knew before the Corona virus - if you thought that life was not too good -  how has it been going lately !?!?  Can't go to Baseball games,,, Can't go to Concerts,  Eating in a restaurant feels like a Felony !

Good god - ok - the Front line workers get that vaccine protection first, with out them we are all doomed ! Who will take care os is if/when we get sick !?!?

I'm kinda dreading the holidays - maybe no family gatherings, we are not really doing gift giving,, at the request of our FAM ...... ok we bought a few things,.... we did the TOLY FOR TOTS thing - which I encourage you all to give in what ever way you can this year - as many many people need that - kids do not fucking understand what is going on  they need,  a gift , a toy  - even iof it bring joy for a moment!

Ok - I gotta go,,,, so here you go...

Adele - BTW - she looked better before she lost weight!!  I

f you don't know - this is a Bob Dylan song

I always liked this song..... Christina Perri

Let's put in a Christmas song... Drop Kick Murphy's 

Some families are messed up while others are fine
If you think yours is crazy, well you should see mine

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