Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The beginnin gof the End - I can only Hope

“Whether ours shall continue to be a government of laws and not of men is now for Congress and ultimately the American people.”

I believe - as I have for a while - that we are on the Precipice of a decision as a nation. If we are to continue to be deceived by a Liar , a Cheat, a Racist, a Misogynist, and a 100% Narcissist. If we are to survive as a nation,, someone actually many someones - that are persons of honor will need to Stand up and say what is wrong when they see what is wrong, and not have their vision blurred by Political lines.

There was a day not that many years ago , some of you may not remember - A Special prosecutor subpoenaed evidence from the President and that President wanted the Prosecutor fired. This Prosecutor was appointed by the Attorney General to investigate a Coverup of a crime. When told to Fire the Prosecutor - the Attorney General refused and resigned. The president told the Deputy Attorney General to fire the Prosecutor. He refused and Resigned. The president finally found the Solicitor General - and he agreed to do the firing. This was known as the Saturday night Massacre and occurred in June 1972, it was the beginning of the End of the Presidency of Richard Nixon. He was to be Impeached , so he resigned 14 months later.

Archibald Cox, was the Special Prosecutor - that I quoted at the start. Elliot Richardson the Attorney General and William Ruckelshaus the Deputy - both Men of honor that Stood up in 1972 - who will it be that will Stand up today ?

I am hoping that my Bike ride this morning washes away some of this,,,,, I know that Thursday with my Grandsons certainly will ...

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