- Rump fires the FBI director.... the very person that investigating him, and his campaign for collusion with Russia during the Recent election. Then makes the Statement that he is speaking for himself when he says there was no collusion,,, so if there was and he did not know,, then WHAT ELSE does he NOT KNOW !?!?
The reason that he fired Comey has changed a few times and the Media asks Why ? Every parent knows why,... when your kids version of the story of the busted lamp in the living room changes , it's casue they are not telling the truth - my parents had a word for it .... LYING !! The POTUS is a Liar, A Bullshitter, and worse a narcissist. Yep - he is more worried about himself than he ever will be concerned about anyone of us.... and if he says "Believe me" am going to F-ng Scream ! I don't believe him !
oh and this story.... The State Department is withholding a document related to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's communications with the department about Russia in his capacity as ExxonMobil Chairman and CEO, citing a need to protect internal deliberations.
Look back a few posts and see who told you about Tillerson's interest in getting the sanctions against Russia lifted so he (Exxon/Mobil) could drill for Oil in Siberia.
I have to tell ya,,, and need to post this while the Yanks are in first place,,, and what you really need to like is that their run Differential is a PLUS 59 runs,,, that's 2nd only to the Astros who are at 61....
it would have been Joey Ramones 66 years old ,,, he passed in 2001
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