Sunday, May 14, 2017


Have you seen the weather report...  ??   After yesterdays Washout,,, this week is gonna seem like we slept thru the rest of the Spring and went right to Summer,,,,

So I am thinking that I can get 2 rides on Monday - a 9 am  &  a 2- 3pm,,,, then I;ll be glad on Tuesday and Wednesday that it will be in the 9am range only as its spose to heat up ,,,,, into the stinking 90's by Wednesday afternoon,,,,  

SO - hey git yer Bike out and meet me on the Rail trail trail !!!

oh ,, and I noticed that the last time out we have the same Dumb Assess walking their dogs on the trail,,,,   Pick up your Dogs Shit  !! Can I say it any clearer than that !?!?!?   And picking it up and then leaving the Little plastic bag on the pavement as if its like a Stocking on Christmas morning - with little doggie Shit Candy in it is Also not acceptable...   how about take the dog into the grass area,,, or maybe we should go for a  week with EVERYONE letting their dig shit on the trail and not pick it up - how about that just to show your A$$Holes what it looks like !!!  

Lasstly today - and certainly not in the least - Happy Mothers Day  !!!  does not seem like a strong enough sentiment to all those women that have raised children, or are in the midst of doing it .....

SO here is a song for you

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