Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Bike schedule

Hey Eddie,,,

here is the Bike schedule for the week,,,,

What's today Wednesday "??  -  leave about 8:45 - 9:00 - Mixing it up ... go East 1st - so 55 about 9 - 9:30 Morgan lake - 10 and  WW over the Hudson closer to 10:15 ...

Thursday - Maybe day off - specially 80% chance of rain

Friday - ugh more rain,,, so we will see,,, if no rain then same as Wednesday

Sat - reverse order on Wednesday,,,, Walk way 1st

Sunday - short ride

Monday - Long ride - hope small chance of rain goes to zero,,, then WW 1st - Morgan Lake about 9, and 55 9:30 - 10  - and again on the return ,,,

Catch you on the Rail Trail!!

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