Saturday, May 27, 2017

Mr KIte

"As Mr. Kite fly's through the ring don't be late"

Let me get you updated ,,,,  Thank you  to the PV bike shop guys for getting me fixed up and back on the road... umm Trail so Quickly,,, I even purchased a new set of Pedals and Shoes that will now  "lock - in" as they say,,, and even on the short ride yesterday it made a difference,,,, Nice....  
From May 24th,,
You wouldn't think it easy to get ones-self up and over the handlebars of a road bike, however that is exactly what I accomplished this morning.... Exiting the Rail trail - headed up the ramp towards Morgan Lake train head - at the same time another cyclist came from the sitting area toward my right and that instant a Guy opened the door to the Porta-Potty - I jammed the Brakes as not to hit either and must have taken my right hand off the Brake to hold off that guy on my right from hitting me.., now if you have hydraulic disc brakes - they work really well.. that front tire STOPPED, and Up and over - sorta upside down I went - banged my elbow, twisted my left Wrist,,, a bit of road Rash on my knee and left calf,, and I think My head bounced a few times off the pavement (Thank you to my GIRO helmet)... Bent the $hit out of both derailers and who knows what else .... UGH ,,, the PV bike guys said they will have me back on the Road by Friday,,, Monday at the Latest !!

So I know  a few of you check out this and FB for my ride schedule and I was glad to meet up with you on the bridge last week,,,, I mostly go West at 1st and go Past the Morgan lake trail head in the 1st 1/2 hr,,, and then end up out towards rt 55 10 ish and then again 1/2 hr later on the way back,,,,,  Hey Woodward was able to meet up Deep Throat in a parking garage  - I bet  I will see you along the Trail at some point,,,  

Saturday - Early - 8 - 10am
Sunday - About the same ,,,, 8 - 11.... the PARTY !!!
Monday - - hey it's  a holiday  - 9 - 11
Tuesday  - bit later say 9 - 11
Wednesday - 9 - 11 

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Bike schedule

Hey Eddie,,,

here is the Bike schedule for the week,,,,

What's today Wednesday "??  -  leave about 8:45 - 9:00 - Mixing it up ... go East 1st - so 55 about 9 - 9:30 Morgan lake - 10 and  WW over the Hudson closer to 10:15 ...

Thursday - Maybe day off - specially 80% chance of rain

Friday - ugh more rain,,, so we will see,,, if no rain then same as Wednesday

Sat - reverse order on Wednesday,,,, Walk way 1st

Sunday - short ride

Monday - Long ride - hope small chance of rain goes to zero,,, then WW 1st - Morgan Lake about 9, and 55 9:30 - 10  - and again on the return ,,,

Catch you on the Rail Trail!!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Shaking of the head

What is going on ??

- Rump fires the FBI director....  the very person that investigating him, and his campaign for collusion with Russia during the Recent election.  Then makes the Statement that he is speaking for himself when he says there was no collusion,,,  so if there was and he did not know,, then WHAT ELSE does he NOT KNOW !?!?

The reason that he fired Comey has changed a few times and the Media asks Why ?  Every parent knows why,... when your kids version of the story of the busted lamp in the living room changes , it's casue they are not telling the truth - my parents had a word for it .... LYING !!  The POTUS is a Liar, A Bullshitter, and worse a narcissist. Yep - he is more worried about himself than he ever will be concerned about anyone of us....   and if he says "Believe me" am going to F-ng Scream !  I don't believe him !

oh and this story.... The State Department is withholding a document related to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's communications with the department about Russia in his capacity as ExxonMobil Chairman and CEO, citing a need to protect internal deliberations.  

Look back a few posts and see who told you about Tillerson's  interest in getting the sanctions against Russia lifted so he (Exxon/Mobil) could drill for Oil in Siberia. 

I have to tell ya,,, and need to post this while the Yanks are in first place,,, and what you really need to like is that their run Differential is a PLUS 59 runs,,, that's 2nd only to the Astros who are at 61....

it would have been Joey Ramones 66 years old ,,, he passed in 2001

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

It's a Stick up !

Guy walks into a bank,  goes to the Teller and says - "This is a Fuck up - put all your money in this bag ",,,  the Teller says "Don't you mean a Stick up ?"  - "Nope" the Robber says - "It's a Fuck -up - I forgot my gun " ....

So the Prez talks to the Russians,, and shares Classified information with them..  Then the White house spin is that the President declared that its not Classified information,,, yea - Not any more its not,,,,   I get he may get to decide what is and Is not,,, but maybe do that before you open your Big Yap and tell our enemy all about it -  thus endangering our allies and secret operatives...

"As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining facts pertaining to terrorism and airline flight safety. Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism."

Does this jerk realize that these people use pieces of information ,,, like pieces to a puzzle,,,  to get the full picture. 

Look - we need to get to the bottom of this total mess. 

From his statement in July of 2016,  Trump invited Russia to hack into Hillary's emails, asking one of America’s longstanding geopolitical adversaries to find “the 30,000 emails that are missing” from the personal server she used during her time as secretary of state. “I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” 

To today - where we now have a report about the President asking the FBI director, oh by the way - after he asked the VP to leave the room -  " I hope you can let this go." - If that's true, it may be obstruction of  justice. 

We have such serious problems in this country and this world - that we need to get to them, and stop the infighting that is now enveloping this country..

Whoops - almost forgot to give you a song,.....

Sunday, May 14, 2017


Have you seen the weather report...  ??   After yesterdays Washout,,, this week is gonna seem like we slept thru the rest of the Spring and went right to Summer,,,,

So I am thinking that I can get 2 rides on Monday - a 9 am  &  a 2- 3pm,,,, then I;ll be glad on Tuesday and Wednesday that it will be in the 9am range only as its spose to heat up ,,,,, into the stinking 90's by Wednesday afternoon,,,,  

SO - hey git yer Bike out and meet me on the Rail trail trail !!!

oh ,, and I noticed that the last time out we have the same Dumb Assess walking their dogs on the trail,,,,   Pick up your Dogs Shit  !! Can I say it any clearer than that !?!?!?   And picking it up and then leaving the Little plastic bag on the pavement as if its like a Stocking on Christmas morning - with little doggie Shit Candy in it is Also not acceptable...   how about take the dog into the grass area,,, or maybe we should go for a  week with EVERYONE letting their dig shit on the trail and not pick it up - how about that just to show your A$$Holes what it looks like !!!  

Lasstly today - and certainly not in the least - Happy Mothers Day  !!!  does not seem like a strong enough sentiment to all those women that have raised children, or are in the midst of doing it .....

SO here is a song for you

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The beginnin gof the End - I can only Hope

“Whether ours shall continue to be a government of laws and not of men is now for Congress and ultimately the American people.”

I believe - as I have for a while - that we are on the Precipice of a decision as a nation. If we are to continue to be deceived by a Liar , a Cheat, a Racist, a Misogynist, and a 100% Narcissist. If we are to survive as a nation,, someone actually many someones - that are persons of honor will need to Stand up and say what is wrong when they see what is wrong, and not have their vision blurred by Political lines.

There was a day not that many years ago , some of you may not remember - A Special prosecutor subpoenaed evidence from the President and that President wanted the Prosecutor fired. This Prosecutor was appointed by the Attorney General to investigate a Coverup of a crime. When told to Fire the Prosecutor - the Attorney General refused and resigned. The president told the Deputy Attorney General to fire the Prosecutor. He refused and Resigned. The president finally found the Solicitor General - and he agreed to do the firing. This was known as the Saturday night Massacre and occurred in June 1972, it was the beginning of the End of the Presidency of Richard Nixon. He was to be Impeached , so he resigned 14 months later.

Archibald Cox, was the Special Prosecutor - that I quoted at the start. Elliot Richardson the Attorney General and William Ruckelshaus the Deputy - both Men of honor that Stood up in 1972 - who will it be that will Stand up today ?

I am hoping that my Bike ride this morning washes away some of this,,,,, I know that Thursday with my Grandsons certainly will ...

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Huh - guess what , Chicken Butt

Ok,, So I am deep into my Retirement,,,, ya - almost 2 weeks !!

so we are not quite to the point  of rummaging thru trash cans for dinner....   things are goin along well so far, I have done 2 days at my new job ,, today will be 3.   Installed a new Water heater, did one day of Baby sitting with my Grandsons  (ok -  that' s not even close to work) excep tthey have endless energy and can time me out on a few hours,,, We went to a Yankee game,,, took about 10 bike rides,,, I have yet to see my friends along the rail trail but I am sure that I will run into them,,, Weather has not cooperated fully as yet,,, so I've been doin some mornings  like 8am - 9am ish and some afternoons 2-3 pm ish...

Yankees are looking good to this point,,, now lets not freak out,,, its what 27 games into the season,,, so a mere 135 games to go,, but you have to be impressed with the hitting and Pitching,,,  they are winning games late, and are coming back from several runs down .....  last year if they got back 3 or 4 runs,  that was it,, you knew they were not scoring 5 runs,,,,   and to date they are +45 in the run differential department,,, only the Nats are better in all of Baseball,,, so some positives....

(Y)our President  continues to embarrass us on the home front and the international fronts,,  The question was asked the other night if he was just a Pathological Liar OR he had no Idea what the truth was,,  now there is a great choice for a President.  The Civil War ???  This issue of Slavery .. why could that have not been solved without a war ??  Seriously ???  I mean Really seriously ? and he says that If Andrew Jackson was president a few years later - he would have probably avoided it.. Yea,,, well  Jackson sorta DIED 16 years before the War started and with the exception of a few men - that sorta precludes you from being President ...  and - oh Jackson was  Slave owner himself - so what would have been to compromise that kept us from War ?? and oh we only have about 3 years and 8 months to go of this Horse's Butt as President !!!

Ok,, that's the sort Blog version for  now,,, maybe see ya at the Marina or along to rail trail !

Let's end with a new song,,, did I post this already ??

It's Cage the Elephant and Cold Cold Cold..