Friday, August 27, 2010

Not so far from today

So is this that far wrong from today,,,, I think not,,,, just watch the Video,,, from what "NETWORK" was in 1976 .... very insightful.

They spoke of and produced (in the movie) Reality TV shows,,,, hummm, that's all the shit we see today,,, reality,, a dozen kids living in a mansion on the beach,, no jobs, no responsibilities,,, yea - WHO's the F's reality is that ??? Don't get me started,...

Peter Firth (HOWARD BEALE) won an Oscar For Best Actor, he became the first posthumous winner in an acting category.. Fay Dunaway (she used to be married to Peter Wolf of the Geils band) won Best Actress,,,,and has been my FAV for a long time !

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