Monday, August 9, 2010

Greetings,,,,, wanna take a look at the standings on Monday AM ... I know the Bosox fans DON'T ! their dreams of a sweep at the stadium have come , and gone,,, best they can hope for is to get out the way they came in,,,, that would be 6 games out - 7 on the loss side - with 52 games to go,... so to make up 7 games,,, if NY plays .500 ball .. ie 26 wins 26 losses,.. to tie,, Boston needs to be 33 and 19... hummm, un-likely,.. but hey let's not call the race with the horses still on the track,,,

Last nights highlights,,, hey,,, Dustin Mosley,,, outstanding stuff,,, BIG PUMA 3 for 4 with an RBI,... maybe he can relax a little now... oh and I know that Prick Beckett-head would hit someone.. it was really good to see that Robinson scored,,, and MrBeckett did not make it out of that inning !! Sweet...

So today is Phil Hughes,,,, day game at the Big Stadium in the Bronx,,, look for me in my usual seat,,, Section 203 ,, r14.... middle of the Bleacher section 1/3 of the way up...

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