Saturday, December 5, 2009

In which many things are accomplished

So ,,,I got a Halfer on Friday,,,and even better than that,,was outta here E A R L Y  !!  ok,,,so,,,Moved the HUGE Dining table and benches upstairs,put the Sleigh out near the Deer,, I still need Packages for the Sleigh... put up more Lights, attached lights to the Little stars and no I did not staple thru the wires !!  Got a Hair Cut,, Met with my Financial Advisor, Vicki pretty much laid out that  I can retire from here at 57 - YEARS OF SERVICE THAT IS!! OMG I am ordering anew chair cause I will need to be re comfy here for a while ! Previewed Goerge Cole's auction,,, might go back .... went to Woodstock nights,,, slept quik , and VIOLA ! I am back,,,, hey ,,, I will repost to discuss the  Draw that the US Soccer team got in the World Cup.,,, I do not think that it could have gon e better for them !

an Evanescence kinda DAY !!

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