Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hi - DEE - Ho there

Well, back again,,, ghee , I don't think it's been 5 days between posts for a long time,,,, and I really don't have much now,,, but that never f'ing stopped me before !!!

Tis the Season , I guess,,,, other Activity make it seen less like the Holiday time than it should,,, Looks like we are in for little snow,,, forecast is 5-12 inches ! woof,,, Hey , i am actually taking 2 days off !! I know ! OMG !! heading Monday to NYC,, meeting the KIDS for lunch,  I hope.. and a little shopping with 5 million of my friends !!  See the tree,,, go St Pat's - and Annie Moores,,,,

Ok,, so I found this great photo,,, and a Perfect Holiday Decoration !

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