Friday, December 11, 2009

a Friday afternoon...........

so, a Friday afternoon,,,, Working from home ! I always wanted to say that !..  doin some administrivia,... among other things,, like Cookin a few dinners for next week,,, 3 loads of Wash/Dry/Fold,.,, Emptying Cat pans, reloading Mouse traps,,, etc etc,.,... and unloading my Camera,... so here ya are a few good bird shots,,, and Trees and the Grande Finale!!! The Grizwold  (Hoban) family Christmas card !!!  Check out the Jack Sparrow ... ummm "Captain" Jack Sparrow rum T-Shirts,,,, and that's at the Bus stop at Olde Key West Resort !! Welcome Home !!

a Few guys at the Feeder... they love that Black thistle food !!

A Frozen PEAR TREE..... no Partridge !!


 I give you the Family Tree.,.... Yankee and Disney ornaments abound !!
                                            "F" the Bosox,... even if it is Christmas...

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