Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Somewhat, Slightly Dazed

Greetings from Wednesday Morning,,,a Wet, and Icy day here in NY,,

I heard something from S,S,D today on WDST during my drive into work. So, I thought I would share a few of Jeffrey's songs with you,,,, i have seen Jeffrey open for many shows here in the Hudson Valley,,, but I think I have only seen him headline once , that was a few years back at the Joyous Lake, in Woodstock,,, any way ,,, enjoy the Music .

Remember .... even though sometimes its so hard to see,, "There has got to be some Hero in we"..................

Here is Jeffrey Gaines,,, you can find More J.G. at his web site
check out the Video on his site of "I like You"

Hero in me,,,,

and his Claim to fame,,,a cover of Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes"

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