Greetings,,, THE FUTURE ??? what is out there waiting for us ?? Long term or short time? No one knows,,,, Even those with grandiose plans have not a friggin clue,,, you could get trampled by a Cement Mixer, or win the Lottery.. It is part of what makes living exciting,,, and yup sometimes frustrating,,,, We do not get a Delorean to go back and forth with,,, I kind of wonder if we had one would we want to know ?? Really?? Think about it,...If our actions beget certain ends, and those actions be changed - do the outcomes differ... or is it FATE ???
Say "Crystal Ball" reading becomes a Science that is 99 percent accurate,,, Tarrot cards really for tell our Futures,,, what the Heck fun is that,,,, Is it not the wonderment of the unknown that keeps us moving forward, that keeps us living for today and dreaming of the tomorrows???
That we plan and hope and look forward to events, hoping that our best laid plans come to pass - hey that's all part of Living,,,, and adjusting tho what life has to offer is sometime hard to see as normal.,, but how we react to what happens to us is as important as what happens to us,,, SO put your Magic 8 Ball away,,, stop reading those stupid Horoscopes,,, and live as if this was it ! Easy to say , hard to do,,, Live in the present and plan for the future,,,,
So .. All my life's a Circle,,,............. Much more later,,,,
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