Greetings,,, or MAYBE not,, as you will see , and read,,, This post is a strange-o one.
So, Let's get at it,,, I have enlisted the services of a WEB counter, specifically SITE METER, that does some fancier things for you than just count visits to your site,,, things that a Plain Vanilla COUNTER at the page bottom does cannot do... ,,,
BTW as of today there have been 1184 hits to the Celery Consciousness page..
BUT - that said - SITE METER says Zip, Zero, NADA, None !! The Data from the Site Meter is pasted in below,,, This means essentially - that I have Blogging to myself for these past months , the only visitor is MY BLOG IS ME !!
Jesus what a sorry state,,, what does that say about me ?,,, my personal relationships? My Communication Skills?? I will tell you what it means,,, and does not mean,,, IT does not mean $hit !! It means that the Site meter - although a fine piece of software, and an outstanding application, is not picking up all the traffic to my BLOG !! and that I will go on Blogging, and Posting if for no-ones enjoyment other than MY OWN !! So you - Constant Reader - You can keep coming back for more , and I will continue to add new stuff to keep YOU ,,,, Ahhh ME ,,, Amused ,,, BTW --- Thanks for Visiting !!!
Site Summary
Total = 0
Average Per Day = 0
Average Visit Length = 0
Last Hour = 0
Today = 0
This Week 0
Would you think they need to add the additional ZEROS to the AVG per day,,and Avg Visits,, after they tell you that the TOTAL hits is ZERO, I GET IT ALREADY !
That's just rubbin my nose in it - am I right???
Onto today's Videos,,,a Couple from the Cranberries, and my girl Delores O'Riordan
When You're GONE
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