Oh boy - so two unique subjects today,,,,THAT web counter that I stated did not work on my BLOG ,,, is working,,, I did step one,,, Signing up for and registering that Blog with the "SITE METER" folks,,, That said I needed to do a 2nd part of the installation and embed the METER into the BLOG WEB PAGE ! DOH !!! It is working, and there are actually a few hits on this page ,,, SO I feel better about not always "talking" to my self,,, The next goal is already realized as someone ACTUALLY commented on a few of my Posts !!! I am Ecstatic !! You, who ever the hell you are, are now in BIG effin trouble,,, as I now have a new found Exuberance in writing , thinking that THE undefined YOU - might just be reading and "playing along" - so to speak !! SO - get ready for more and continued Dribble !!

I said I had two subjects,,, so the olde saying "if you have your health - you have everything" well I do not know about have everything crap,,, but,,, yoowwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeee My G.D. leg is killin me,,,,
I think this is the Hamstring muscle the one that goes right up into what can only be described as the "ASS" muscle !!

No way I can run with the leg like this,,,, I think right now , the Turkey trot is definitely in Jeopardy (FU Alex Trebek) and maybe the WDW Marathon ,,,, Shhhh,,, I cannot bear to say that out loud,,, although I am better today then yesterday,,, that Hammy feels horrible,,, I guess I am hoping that there is no tear,,, only strained ,,,, started with working on the floor, and really got Bad (I am a little fuzzy on this good - bad thing ) on Monday's 7 miler,,, I knew I felt too good going out,,, clicking off at 8 1/2 min / mi - fast for me - and I should have stopped when it started to hurt badly coming back,,, BUT no,,, MACHO ME = ASSHOLE,,, and now I can't even jog @!!! ....DAMN !
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