Every person has with in them the ability to do GREAT things ,,, if that is Climbing mountains, completing a Tri-Athalon, running a Marathon, flying a plane, swimming the English channel, or simply living in their life,,
This touch-stone is CHALLENGE.
At times the day-to-day struggles of Modern life impede on our ability to see the big picture, to see our impact on others, and on the earth. They talk Carbon footprint,, but our lives impact those around us more than just by what toilet paper and counter cleaner we use,,, We are , at times, too close to the picture so to speak to see it,,, and we should not discount our lives,, each has done great things,,, and continues to do great things. Raising children, continuing a friendship, sustaining a Marriage, all things to be proud of every day,,, PREACHING ON : do not think that your influence is lessened because you are not the CEO of the company, or a Doctor, Lawyer, Actor, Actress, Music star, Dancin for the Stars, etc,,, and we should not let others make us feel less important than we KNOW we are !! Each life Carry's its own importance,, to us, to those close to us,,, DO a "Its a Wonderful Life" - think where thing would be with out you ... How would others react,, who would really miss you?? See - told you that your impact , your GLOBAL footprint is far reaching,, and should be valued -if by no one else - BY YOU ! PREACHING OFF:
From the Funeral Scene - The Big Chill
"Are not the satisfactions of being a good man among our common men great enough to sustain us any more? Where did Alex's hope go? Maybe that is the small resolution we can take from here today. To try to regain that hope that must have eluded Alex."
warning!! Borrowed thoughts, !!
I think about my Parents generation , the satisfactions of being a good man was enough to sustain them. I watched that sense of satisfaction start slipping away in my generation,, and now into my children's it seems to be utterly gone.
This America no longer supports such satisfaction. We have created a place that is very hard to walk through with grace. Perhaps "how" can be answered better once WE as Americas reestablish identity for ourselves, for it is difficult to be a part of something greater than yourself when you have no idea what that something is.
SO Walk on,,,
Head up high,, not looking down at others but holding our selves up... and ..
BTW.,,, search around YOUTUBE for a live version,,, Mike and Mike do this with just an acoustic Guitar, its a great moment in REM's live shows
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