Believe what you will...... Here is the DATA .
and BTW - you would think that this would be easy to find with all the news outlets and Media coverage, CDC etc ,, but it's not . Especially hospitalization numbers.
Let's look at Texas where the Cases of COVID 19 have really gone up sharply (or what ever other adjective you would like). What we hear is that - "This is a result of additional Testing" - True - Testing increased. from June 1 to June 25 per the Texas Department of Health , by 2x . WOW - no wonder there are more cases.... YUP - so you would expect cases to increase by 2X - BUT - they show an increase from 1500 avg cases per day to near 6000 ! That is an increase of 4X - double the increased testing rate ! And Hospitalizations??? Yup - they have increased at the SAME rate as the cases. To the point of the that the Texas Governor said he was closing bars and limiting restaurant capacity. With Houston hospitals near capacity, unfortunately inundated with patients and looking to increase ICU capacity. and Before you think it a Democrat Conspiracy - The Texas Governor is Republican.
We know what to do -
to stop the Spread of this virus -
WE just don't do it.
and yes - I know what happened ....
and yes - I know what happened ....
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