Wednesday, July 1, 2020

What is NEWS?!?!?

ok - so exactly what are the news Sources telling us ??  Let's look at the Sources and Todays stories that they are leading with on their WEB Page


Trumps silence - He seems to think his best approach is refuse to Lead .
Americans are Dying - here are Trumps excuses
Fauci warns Covid 19 cases could top 100k per day
White house uses last minute Briefing to defend POTUS on the Russian plan to offer Bounty to kill American Solders
Trump undermining experts

FOX News 
NYC City Council to slash 1 Million from Police Budget
AOC says proposed cuts not enough
Senator blasts Dems for sending him racist messages
Cops use Gas to Break up unruly Crowd
Newt Gingrich - Left wing media using polls to hurt Trump and Republicans

Whats behind the alarming new outbreaks of Virus in the US
A look back at 6 months of Covid -19 that changed the world
US  buys up almost all of the Remdesivir Supply
Trump approves plan to cut Troops in Germany

So you decide what the news is and is not....   if I would make a suggestion - it's to read all of it. And see what the Spin is by the Various outlets....

It's International Reggae Day !!!

Peter Tosh

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