- Listen - I am not sure what to say about all this but I know , a few things to be true,,,
A) Black Lives Matter !! - thats's it , we need to be sure that those who don;t think so are not in positions of power,, or Law enforcement.
B) You can protest without violence. MLK taught us this years ago, and I for one would like to see our leaders say so,,, and I think the leaders of the BLM movement need to say so. Looting and Burning buildings - while I think is just emotion over flowing - needs to STOP. How does that advance the Cause??? Breaking windows and Stealing from merchants is what the Black community thinks we should be doing ?? That Will stop or Lessen racial injustices ??? and I Still cannot tak eAl Sharpton seriously, I understand it's been years... but he was hoodwinked by Tawana Brawley , put a community thru hell over a LIE ,, and has never admitted that he was fooled by her.
C) and Maybe this should be A , Police in Every city and every officer are important parts of that community. They need to be respected,,, They need to be supported ! I cannot imagine the Strain that they are under... and you are crazy if you think that you can work under these conditions and continue to make all rational decisions.. Imagine one of these officers after 10 days of 12 hour shifts in a demonstration situation,, you try it !
D) The protester that was pushed to the Ground by police and came on CNN the other night is exactly what makes peoples blood boil.... Yes she was assaulted by by that office when he pushed her, I am glad she was not more injured than she was - ... But why is she then on CNN with a LAWYER !?!? Chris Cuomo asked her about what would be justice,,, and the lawyer jumped in and said stuff about that it was hard to tell what justice would be in this case,,, "what if the office was fired and spent a year in jail.." Still answered that is was difficult to tell,,, I can read between the lines and I think - I think that this person started with with great intentions - to demonstrate against Social injustice,,, she was harmed - yes. But now I get the Idea that all that can go away with some Money from law suit against the officer and the City of NY... IF that's true - that what she is looking for is some DO-RE-Me- $$$$$ - that is pathetic.
E) 2020 is pretty well canceled and moved to 2021.
F) I gotta go to work.....
one by Bruce and the Drop Kick Murphy's
And Jackson Browne with a song Written by Steve Van Zandt - aka - Little Steven or Miami Steve
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