Wednesday, June 24, 2020

No one to Blame

It's everyone else's fault !

Never the responsibility of the Current administration...  For a man that "claims" to be responsible for so many accomplishments - and yes - he Lies about that too - taking credit for things from Past administrations.  He distances himself from wrong doing, or responsibilities that might be seen as negative. And yes - this plays very well with his Base.  Let me just say that I do not think that he could do any thing that the 40% of so of Americans who support him would tell you is just WRONG.  Nope - the POTUS has made this all about loyalty to him - Bend the knee and kiss the ring.  Saying things that oppose his point of view are seen as not falling into the Rump camp. His defenders are always quick to run to his defense.  Does not matter what the subject - the latest is the "joke" that the White house and his own press secretary (thats the Joke) said he was kidding about slowing down testing - only to have the CDC come out and say NOPE ! we Are not slowing any testing,, and then he under Cut his own Press  by saying he does not kid ! Yea - good Idea cause hundreds of thousands of sick people and 120,000 Deaths is probably not a subject for humor !

and as we are in the midst of racial strife in the Country - he chooses to use a racial slur "KUNG FLU" when describing the virus. and of course his base jumps right in....  reports os Asian decent citizens under attack, and asian doctors and nurses literally spit on  ! right - is that what we are - are we that stupid ??  To think that any person of asian decent in this country  had anything to do with the Covid -19 virus ? Are we that Stupid ?? 

Quickly on the November election.....   Do not be fooled by political poles, - they were wrong last time - they are wrong this time. Biden is a flawed candidate.  He certainly might beat Rump .. but don't bet on it.  The Election is Months away. The White House is a great home field advantage.    Only 9 out of 45 have lost.  That's an 80% winning percentage, and if you look at some recent ones,,, Gerald Ford - doomed by his pardon of Nixon, Carter, nice guy - not really a great president and doomed by the Iran hostage Crisis. The last was George Bush Senior  - beaten by Bill Clinton.  So the incumbent has a great advantage.  and don'e tell me about voting fraud, Mail in ballots  as a HUGE Problem, Bull Shit - the Potus is lining up this as an excuse  if and when he loses. These states already vote by Mail Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah and Washington - what are those folks going to do ???  And BTW - He - the POTUS and many in his administration VOTE by Mail !! 

The Clearwater is Sailing today from Kingston - I hope to get a look at her !!
Here is Gordon Bok ..

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