Gun Control Debate -
- the "SECOND" Amendment folks that believe the constitution gives us the right to bear arms regardless of what arms and how many bullets and what those bullets can pierce.
- the "Gun Control" folks that don't wanna take away our guns , but think that a little control into a spiral situation might help limit the killing of our Children
Abortion debate
- Abortion is a sin and cannot be tolerated in any circumstance and our Government should not be funding the likes of Planned Parenthood.
- Freedom of Choice folks - that believe a Govemment should not dictate what a women or man can do and not do with her body.
Republicans . vs Democrats -
Healthcare reform -
Repeal of Obamacare even if the NEW system is worse - just to say we repealed it !
Hawks .v Doves
I see no middle of the Road in any of these discussions,, will wonder what history will think of us during this time ?? unfortunately - our Children and Grand children will be left with a divided country that can'e hear each other,, that will be pulled in the direction of the RULING party and then Pulled back the other when the next group is elected...
Is kneeling during the Anthem disrespecting the Flag and the National Anthem ? Or is it the embodiment of the 1st amendment that gives us the right to do it. Should the POTUS be weighing in on such things saying the Players should be fired and calling one a Son-of-a-Bitch.
Ok, lets say some things :
- 1st - we have a Mad man across the globe that seems to be pushing the Madman here at home into a War. Dick head (thats our Dick head) reverts to the same olde tactics, Name Calling, and trying to bully his opponent. Lets hope this does not get us into a war on any front. The POTUS wants to spend more time on something - let it be this , and leave the NFL to manage it owns affairs.
- 2nd - We have had 3 devastating natural disasters in our country - Houston with that hurricane,,, IRMA , and Maria that from what you read destroyed Puerto Rico. tRump seems to be more concerned that his administration looks good in responding to this that to actually responding to it. More concerned over how many people came to see him in Texas than how much help we were giving them.
- 3rd - where was the strong rhetoric against the people carrying Nazi flags and causing violence in North Carolina a little while back,, that behavior was ok , no one needs to be fired ,, No SOB's in that group...
I still think tRump is a dangerous man for this country ... I fear we will not survive his presidency intact. I think he represents the Highly wealthy, and the privileged and that he can get away with what ever he wants - above the law and all.... I think he is more interested in worrying about getting reelected in 3 years (OMG 3 more years) than is doing what is right and just for the COuntry... he is more concerned about undoing the former presidents legacy than passing just laws and be the POTUS. He picks these fights with say the NFL players A) most are Black ,,,, B) its easier that actually governing, C) It works well with his political base ,,,, I would ask a question that someone asked the other night - how far does this go ,, how far until those that voted for him say Enough is Enough.... I know that there is a Percentage - the Neo Nazi's and KKK that will support him to the Nth degree ... but how far until many of those say ,,, no ,, my father,husband, son,, did not fight and maybe die for this country, for our right to freedom,, to have this ASSHOLE decide what is and what is not protected,, that the Kneeling a form of 1st amendment protest. and that IF we want to Fire them and bully them that would exercise that freedom - what was their sacrifice for ?? SO one person can decide what is and is not under that umbrella .... I think NOT ....
Ill leave you with Thomas Wynn and the Believers..
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