Thursday, September 21, 2017

Day one

Whoa Boy -   one of the Boss's is out for a few weeks ,,,,, So today starts my "short" stint (I hope) as the Admin fill in guy  for  the Paperwork / Computer entry / Administrivia ........  

Wednesday (Noon - 8pm)  and Thursday's (6:30am - 2PM) its only  me  @ Norrie Point Marina  ,,,,,   sure hope I can handle it....

The Redsox have clinched a post season spot,, and at this point they will win the Division..  The Yankees are now 7 games to the Plus side of the Wild Card with the Twins next and the Angels  1 game behind them.....   so I see the Yankees hosting the Wildcard ONE GAME playoff,,,, against one of those two teams...  as of today the Indians have the best Record,, so NY would play them and Houston would play the RedSox,,,  either of those outcomes I believe has an ALCS of Houston .vs the Tribe.....

D backs in the NL are in a similar position to the Yanks,, they are leading eh Wildcard by 5 games, with Rockies and Brewers fighting for the other spot. The Wildcard winner there will likely play the Dodgers , leaving the Cubs and the Nats as the other series....   I think that will leave the Cubs and Dodgers for the NLCS.....   Gotta love PLAYOFF Baseball...

Leaving you with this one,from the Black Keys...

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