Wednesday, September 27, 2017

WTF is Happening !?!?!?

I gotta say I don't get the  whole kneeling thing,,,  and rhetoric and opinions that it has brought out from every corner and every corner thinking it is Absolutely Correct .  That there can be no other opinion on what is being done and said...  We have  no room for others opinions, we   don;t bother to listen to what others say... watch almost any debate on CNN or FOX that has opposing sides,... one person talks (with interruptions)  then once they have there say ,, they can listen ot the other person,,, they feel the need to interject ,,,to be re heard  and rebuttal their position rather than listen.

Gun Control Debate -
- the "SECOND" Amendment folks that believe the constitution gives us the right to bear arms regardless of what arms and how many bullets and what those bullets can pierce.
- the "Gun Control" folks that don't wanna take away our guns , but think that a little control into a spiral situation might help limit the killing of our Children

Abortion debate
- Abortion is a sin and cannot be tolerated in any circumstance and our Government should not be funding the likes of Planned Parenthood.
- Freedom of Choice folks - that believe  a Govemment should not dictate what a women or man can do and not do with her body.

Republicans . vs Democrats  -

Healthcare reform -
Repeal of Obamacare even if the NEW system is worse - just to  say we repealed it !
Hawks .v Doves

I see no middle of the Road in any of these discussions,, will wonder what history will think of us during this time ??  unfortunately - our Children and Grand children will be left with a divided country that can'e hear each other,, that will be pulled in the  direction of the RULING party and then Pulled back the other when the next group is elected...

Is kneeling during the Anthem disrespecting the Flag and the National Anthem  ?  Or is it the embodiment of the 1st amendment that gives us the right to do it.  Should the POTUS be weighing in on such things saying the Players should be fired and calling one a Son-of-a-Bitch.

Ok, lets say some things :

- 1st - we have a Mad man across the globe that seems to be pushing the Madman here at home into a War. Dick head (thats our Dick head) reverts to the same olde tactics,  Name Calling, and trying to bully his opponent. Lets hope this does not get us into a war on any front.  The POTUS wants to  spend more time on something  - let it be this , and leave the NFL to manage it owns affairs.

- 2nd - We have had 3 devastating natural disasters in our country - Houston with that hurricane,,, IRMA , and Maria that from what you read destroyed Puerto Rico. tRump seems to be more concerned that  his administration looks good in responding to this that to actually responding to it.  More concerned over how many people came to see him in Texas than how much help we were giving them.

- 3rd - where was the strong rhetoric against the people carrying Nazi flags and causing violence in North Carolina a little while back,,  that behavior was ok , no one needs to be fired ,, No SOB's in that group...

I still think tRump is a dangerous man for this country ...  I fear we will not survive his presidency intact. I think he represents the Highly wealthy, and the privileged and that he can get away with what ever he wants - above the law and all....   I think  he is more interested in worrying about getting reelected in 3 years (OMG 3 more years) than is doing what is right and just for the COuntry...  he is more concerned about undoing the former presidents legacy than passing just laws and be the POTUS.   He picks these fights with say the NFL players A) most are Black ,,,,  B) its easier that actually governing, C) It works well with his political base ,,,, I would ask a question that someone asked the other night - how far does this go ,, how far until those that voted for him say Enough is Enough....  I know that there is a Percentage - the Neo Nazi's and KKK that will support him to the Nth degree   ... but how far until many of those say ,,, no ,, my father,husband, son,, did not fight and maybe die for this country, for our right to freedom,, to have this ASSHOLE decide what is and what is not protected,, that the Kneeling a form of 1st amendment protest.  and that IF we want to Fire them and bully them that would exercise that freedom - what was their sacrifice for ?? SO one person can decide what is and is not under that umbrella ....  I think NOT ....

Ill leave you with Thomas Wynn and the Believers..

Monday, September 25, 2017

the War of Words and Deeds

While I do not agree with what they are doing, I can see the debate over IF they have the 1st amendment right to do it the Kneeling at the Anthem and all.... I do not see what interlocking arms has to do with shit,,, and hiding in the Locker room while the Anthem is played is about as cowardly as you can get - but I did see one player come out and stand in the Tunnel hand over the heart..
NOW - I saw a video over the weekend and could not agree more,,, that what the hell does kneeling do ?? How the hell does that tie to whatever the protest is about?? Black lives matter?? Police not being charged in the death of other people of Color ? How about do your little protest somewhere else and in some other form ??? Like helping in the community ? ok so do ,, but all Should.. Cause what has changed since this started ?? I can tell you - absolutely fucking nothing -

Now lets get to Dick head... I am not sure that acting like an 8 year old anc calling other people - even not jobs like Kim Jong-un is what I want the president to be doing,,, Rocket man ?? and I got a kick out of his Rally speech the other day - you just Knew he was bringing Obama into it - saying that this guy should have been dealt with years ago .

Here is the Text "Rocket Man should have been handled a long time ago," Trump said. "He should have been handled a long time ago by [Bill] Clinton. I won't mention the Republicans, right? By [Barack] Obama, this is a different time. This should have been handled eight years ago and four years ago and honestly 15 years ago and 20 years ago and 25 years ago. This shouldn't be handled now, but I'm going to handle it because we have to handle it."  

Un is 33 years old  - so 20 years ago he was 13 ,,,, and 25 years ago he was 8...  not sure what handling him at 8 or 13 really means.....  of couse DICK head has no clue about that....  he only calls out the Democrats for it,,,  Can you spell - A S S H O L E ....

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Day one

Whoa Boy -   one of the Boss's is out for a few weeks ,,,,, So today starts my "short" stint (I hope) as the Admin fill in guy  for  the Paperwork / Computer entry / Administrivia ........  

Wednesday (Noon - 8pm)  and Thursday's (6:30am - 2PM) its only  me  @ Norrie Point Marina  ,,,,,   sure hope I can handle it....

The Redsox have clinched a post season spot,, and at this point they will win the Division..  The Yankees are now 7 games to the Plus side of the Wild Card with the Twins next and the Angels  1 game behind them.....   so I see the Yankees hosting the Wildcard ONE GAME playoff,,,, against one of those two teams...  as of today the Indians have the best Record,, so NY would play them and Houston would play the RedSox,,,  either of those outcomes I believe has an ALCS of Houston .vs the Tribe.....

D backs in the NL are in a similar position to the Yanks,, they are leading eh Wildcard by 5 games, with Rockies and Brewers fighting for the other spot. The Wildcard winner there will likely play the Dodgers , leaving the Cubs and the Nats as the other series....   I think that will leave the Cubs and Dodgers for the NLCS.....   Gotta love PLAYOFF Baseball...

Leaving you with this one,from the Black Keys...

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Where the Wild things are

I now apply a 6mg patch of NEUPRO to an area on my right shoulder every days,, I don't use the left as thats is where my absolutely great  (my opinion) Tree Tattoo is....  no matter.... this patch is prescribed to most people to limit the affects of Parkinson's - at lest that is when my Neuor  MD tells me - as it is just occurring to me that I have never googled it to see what it actually treats. In me it think it is to treat the  Terminal Case of DUMB Ass that I tend to exhibit on a daily basis....   one of the Side effects it has on me is Wildly explicit dreams - I have been locked in a  Rock Jail and tried to climb out when the walls were falling apart until someone showed me a secret passage that led to me coming out thru the old Thesis Bar in New Paltz... I have ridden my bike thru an post apocalyptic world that although the world was completely  destroyed,, the Rail trail was unharmed....  and OK,, last may have been the oddest ....

I am fussing with my Ipod on the couch - don't remember what app I was looking at,,, but my wife (just a voice really) says "hey they are Back".    I  get up and go thru the Front Screen door,, (not my house) out onto a big porch and start down the 3 stairs to the yard... in the Distance - like from home plate to center field there is an old woman in a skirt , blouse , and Straw hat a Man dressed like a farmer - Jeans and red plaid shirt and ballcap,,,, and Three HUGE - say human size Squirrels ...... yep Squirrels  and these animals are dropping work gloves all over the yard,,, those Blue and gray tough work gloves,,, not new ones ,, used ones,,,   I start to pick them up and try to carry them out to them,,, and I am shouting that they need to get back and clean the yard up and not come back again and drop these gloves !!     That's  when I woke up..   Maybe I will Goggle this later to see what the Dream experts  (HOW the F we even have dream experts in not explainable ) But I will let you know what I find out..

HEY - I did the Pleasant Valley Day Bike ride yesterday morning - 25 miles - starting from the ACME store parking lot - North thru some back roads and then Quaker lane up  up thru Clinton Corners to the Schultzville store - back down Center road to Salt point Turnpike and back into Pleasant valley....   now I have ridden the NYC bike tour that gets ten thousand riders,,, the Orange County ride with the Camels that have 300- 400 riders on 4 different mileage, and oven the ulster Co bike tour that garnishes say 200 riders,,,,   The PV day bike ride has 2 rides - the 25 miler and a Family Friendly 10 mile loop....   you have to make a donation of $20 to get a t shirt which is ok with me,,,,    so I show up at 8:30 for the 9am kick off,,,, and while not many riders in the parking lot at that time. they offered Bananas and bottled water at the start ,, I am thinkin more will show up,, and they did...   guess how many went on the 25 mile route,,,,  I counted 9 - NINE,,, not 90  .... NINE....  one more than 8 ,,,, 2 more than 7 ,,,,, you get it,..  No idea how many they had on the 10 miler....   the course was fair,,, a few big hills out in clinton Corners,,,  and the turns were well marked with Orange paint - well except for the last 2 turns that I guess were obvious that they were right hand turns,,,,    now to why I think there were 9 riders on a lions club, and PV bike shop sponsored event.   Nothing on the course,,, no Mileage markers, No water, no bananas, no bagels, no nothing...  and If there was anything at the end , I missed it completely - even after being directed to the small carnival behind the town hall... where they were setting up for the days activities,,...   I saw no one - no Lions - no women that were at the Table in the Parking lot - nothing...      Here is what I do know,,, I have enough shirts , and I can ride 25 miles on the rail trail any day I want,,,,  bet you can guess how many riders will be at next years PV day 25 mile Bike tour,,,,   EIGHT !!

We won front row seats to the Willie Nelson show at the Mid Hudson Civic center- and even though the Civic center is on my "Permanently banned for life list"  - I made a one time exception fro the Front row seats !!   he was really good,,, played an hour and half ,,  - doin all the Willie favorites - the man is 84 remember -    he wa joined by Garth Hudson of the Band for the encore of Will the Circle be unbroken,,,,  

Here is one he did that night,,,  

Monday, September 11, 2017


I am getting back into my car at Mill Mansion park,,,, just came from a short jog thru the State park over toward Norrie and back....   The radio is dialed up to WFAN - but it's Don Imus and his "Imus in the Morning" Show......  but today he has Warner Wolf on and Warner is on the Phone from his Apartment in  Tribeca - he is describing to Imus a Terrible accident that a plane has just hit the World Trade Center,'s North Tower,,,,,  it's just before 9:00AM,,, and Imus is saying that they are NOT going to the Sports update at the top of the hour,, they are going to to stay with Warner Wolf ....  Before I can get out of the Park and Back home,,,,,,   Warner tells Imus that another plane just hit the South Tower - it is as we would know later on 9:02AM

Terror is immediately known that this is no accident, America is under Attack !  -

You know the Story from there,.....  as for everyone - it is a morning that I will never forget.....

Friday, September 8, 2017

Absent without a pass

Ok,, where the hell have you been,... you missed a lot - that'll teach you to stay away so long....

1st and foremost....    my daughter is engaged !!  ....  to maybe the best guy we could have even hoped for for her.   From my point of view he is a stabilizing force in her life.    You have to kinda wonder how a vegetarian , RD... ends up with a guy who eats Hamburgers and Drives half an hour for Ice cream , almost on a daily basis...........   I think they will be happy together for many years,,, you just get that feeling,,,

2nd - My Daugher-In-Law is pregnant with our 3rd Grandson !!!   I personally am just as excited about this one as the other two,,, can';t wait till january to see him.

What did I tell you - you missed a lot,,,

Let me not miss out on a tRump moment - only Dick heard that shows up in Houston - devastated by torrential rains like Noah did not  see and his comments are about - the Victims  ??  come on - no fucking way -  they are about himself and how big the crowd was that showed up to see him.  No surprise here,,,,

He has sided with neo nazi's , white supremests  and other hate groups,,,,  this all I found especially offensive as my father, and several uncles - and maybe your fathers - Fought actual Nazi;s from taking over the world ,, unless we have forgotten that. Any way - Dick head again...

Retirement is going along well,, I DO NOT miss my old job ! I really enjoy working at the Marina,,  there is a little of everything,,   I get to be a carpenter, electrician, dock repairer, boat rescuer, community relations , learning a little of the computer entry for the revenue of the golf course, camp ground and of course marina, we are preparing some of the Ice eaters for installation in November, i think the guys are realizing that they can count on me for coverage if they need a day or hours off - I can work almost any time ...  the bonus of seeing Eagles, Osprey, King Fishers, Beavers, ducks, Turtles, etc  - I attached a few pictures from yesterday below - on a daily basis and I work on the most beautiful river in the world is all part of it.   I am wondering what will happen in the winter - I am "seasonal" help after all and should be out of work Mid november,,, but that is still not decided,,, If so - I am thinking Williams lumber, or Home Depot, or Davies hardware as possibilities - so stay tuned we will just see .....

There seems to be this weird sleep cycle going,, that every 2 or 3 days - like today - I wake up at 1 30 - 2am, and cannot go back to sleep.  Then the other days I am so exhausted - that I fall asleep at 8pm , and wake up at 7am,,,,   not sure what's driving that. So we have 3 building Projects going on ,,,, we redecked and repaired a Deck in Poughkeepsie,  noce 5/4 Pressure Treated , along with new 4x4 posts , stairs, and some new rails,,, we are waiting for the Pressure treated wood to dry out a bit before we go back and Stain....  I am building toy boxes for the Grandson's toys,,,  two bins are 22 x 36 x 20 and two will be 22 x 20 x 20  - these have casters that the boys can push around the room and pick up their toys,  and all those will get tucked under a shelf that will eventually have a cushion on it,,, and will be broken up by some fixed storage in the center,,, all stained the same Grey as the Barn door and Dutch door I build , and trimmed in White.... nice,, and we will be building a ground up deck in Hyde park,,, 16 x 9 on an existing slab,,, that will include embedded stains and Built in Seating - I am hoping that that project leads to some additional work in that neighborhood..

As much as the Yankees keep losing late inning games , they look like they will win the Wild card and get the one game playoff ,,, against the Twins or Angels,,,,  I don't think they can beat either of those teams , especially the Angels. The good news is that the Bosox will get the Indians who look to be on a  mission to get back to the World Series,,,,

I leave you with Gregg Allman's final CD -  Southern Blood,  released this week - 4 months after his death,,,,   and this song My Only True Friend,,,  You remember that Gregg was diagnosed with Cancer 5 years ago  - this time Liver Cancer (he had been treated for other Cancers and heart issues)  - given 8 - 18 months to live  (he started Kemo , but stopped when it made him too weak to perform)...  and lived out his last 5 YEARS - guess the Dr's got that wrong,  performing with the Allman Brothers and on his own,,, and left us with this last terrific piece of music,,, kudo's to Don Was for Production.....