YOU will survive,,
Being ignored is worst than being insulted,,, ignored means -F you - I don't need to talk to you until it suits me , I don't need you until I need you,... No need to call,, no need to text to see how you are doing ? ..NAh - F them - I am busy,,, I have other things to do,,, hell even when you email me,,, I don't feel I need to respond for Days and Days,,,, Take it from me - the people you ignore will not always be there to ignore,,, and then its too late, Just words of advice from MEEE's to YOUS ,,
enough of the rant, things are not awful - I woke up breathing - I survived anther day here heck wasnt nobody here today anyway,,,, and it amazing that we have better production with far less people, - thank god for Automation !!
I will rev up to get another Trump like rant over the weekend,,, I think our country is now a laughing stock around the world,, they can;t believe what comes out this a holes mouth,,,,
But we can start with WHY the TRUMPs and that dumb ass he has for an advisor - Kellyann -- are promoting Trump business?? I'll tell you why,, they have not divested themselves from these business and stand to make millions by their influence in the White house and passing legislation that favors what they are selling.. If you think they have ,, you got your head in the Sand,,, This is guy that told everyone that products should be made in the USA to support our workers , while he made shirts in Bangladesh - ok,,it was a few years ago,,, but just listen to it,,,,, Great thing these days is as they said on Oceans Eleven - there is always somebody watchin ,,,,
what music you wanna here tonight,,, ?? Lets do some Tom Waits,,,
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