Saturday, February 4, 2017

F*&%ing INSANE

Let's be serious here for a minute please,,,, take off your Republican shaded,  glasses  with Rump designers fames and admit that this person has lost touch with reality..  She started down the road and invented the term "Alternative Facts" We all told are children that these were LIES !!!   Quite frankly ,, I wonder how long the 1st Last week Tonight show with John Oliver will need to be to cover all the insanity that has occurred since he was last on the air,,,  any way,,,  here it is,,,

and Now this,,,

Senior Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway made a statement during a TV interview Thursday , She told MSNBC's Chris Matthews: go look at the Clip for yourself if you don;t belive she said this. 
"I bet it's brand new information to people that President Obama had a six-month ban on the Iraqi refugee program after two Iraqis came here to this country, were radicalized and they were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre. It didn't get covered."
FIRST -  Obama didn't ban the Iraqi refugee program.
    SECOND -  there's no such thing as the "Bowling Green massacre".
    Conway later clarified that she was referencing  two Iraqis ---- who lived in Bowling Green - OH who LIVED in Bowling Green...... Both were granted refugee status and entered the United States in 2009.They were arrested in May 2011 on a series of terrorism charges and were sentenced two years later after pleading guilty.The two men were NEVER planning on committing an act of terrorism on US soil. Instead, they were trying to help get weapons to al Qaeda in Iraq. YUP - They were terrorists who should not have been allowed in the country, but they weren't planning an attack in the United States. And they didn't kill anyone in Bowling Green (or anywhere else in the US).
    WE have enough issues without a Presidential Advisor Making up stories,,  and BTW - what the fuck does this have to do with anything anyway,,,  Trump has an immoral and unconstitutional ban ,, so we need to cite something Obama did to make us think that its all OK,, She is F*&ing INSANE !!

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