Friday, February 10, 2017

Talkiing Baseball

While it is still a few days til Pitchers and Catchers report to Spring Training,,,   I am starting to read concerns about the Length of the games,   and the "pace" of the Sport,,,  here are a few of the - what I call - Stupid changes that are being suggested,.

Make the Strike Zone Larger - really - how about just call the Strike zone where it is today,,,the Rules say , Hollow behind the Knee to midpoint of the shoulder,,, you rarely see anything above the Waist Called a strike,.

Change to 2 Strikes for  a Strike out
3 Balls for a walk
Ok don't screw with the Fiber of the Game,,,, it's 3 strikes and 4 Balls.

Start every inning with a  runner on 2nd base,   Huh ?? what's that gonna Do ? how did he get there? does it count against the pitcher ? are you going to say that the 1st batter cannot bunt ,,, cause thats what gonna happen in 90 % of the situations. and who is the Runner ,, a position player? Is he in the Game, or  can he still come in as a substitute player.. My god what a dumb ass idea,

20 Seconds to throw a pitch,, or its a BALL
20 seconds for the Batter to get in the Box  or its a Strike    I might be ok with this .,,, there are certainly situations that the pitcher or the batter would need more time - critical time int he Game and all,,, but yes,,,  I have been at blowouts - where the pitcher or Batter is dealing with it like is game 7 of the Series - when its 15 to 1 in the 8th inning,,,   I might like that the Pitcher has to get right back on the rubber - no walking around the Mound, and batter has to keep a foot in the Batters box,,,

Have a max times the catcher can go talk to the Pitcher - similar to visits to the Mound by the Coach or manager,,,   again ,,, I could go for this - you see visit after visit by the Catcher to the Mound,,

 I say  - call the Strike Zone correctly and Make the batter stay in the Box and pitcher on the mound,, and it will speed things up...  and can we get both leagues to play by the same rules ? Either a designated hitter or NOT... especially now with the unbalance of the teams there is always a NL .vs AL series - Oh and my least favorite thing that BB does is expanding the roster to 40 men on September 1st,,,   Ok,, I get why they do it,, but how about this simple twist.  have your 40 men roster with the Team on September 1st,, However the manager has to name the 25 guys that are eligible to play that game - Just like every other game...  25 players,,,  wanna leave all your other starters off the GAME roster for that night - FINE , you are essentially doing that anyway,,, but now you still gotta say what 25 are eligible to play,, so at least there you can't go lefty - righty pitcher, batter changes every batter,,,,

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