Friday, November 5, 2010

to Jeet or not to Jeet

let's make this CLEAR !!

Are YOU F'ing kidding me !

PAY Jeter the Money that he deserves for being the "FACE " of the Yankee franchise for years now,,, and he will be in the future ! You wanna lace the $22 Million a year with incentives,,, and no you can't make 'em performance related like all you dunderheads are sayin..,.

Would you have let Donnie Baseballl leave,,, Mantle, Dimaggio ! NO,.,, and they won't let Derek...

Wanna review the options,,,, not like we have not paid a bunch of losers millions, while Jeter has done nothing but WON,,, - aka Carl PAvano,,,,for 15 million a year,, Mike Witt,, Javier Vazquez, Kai Igaua ! I could go on... Give the man the money ,, put him at short next year,,, Move him to 3rd in 2012,,, and let A-rod DH most of the time ,.... there will be a 1/2 dozen more options in the next 2 or three years ...

SO,, please HAL, HANK , Brian,,, Pay Jeet what he has already earned for your Team !

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