Sunday, November 14, 2010

Coffee Meulsiling

I can not help myself, when I see this stuff I have to share it with you....or else i will go INSANE !

Setting... today at the Deli whilst awaiting my breakfast order of B.E.C. - here is what I seen,,,,,

One large cup,,,, one small cup,,,, the small is full to the top with coffee,,,,
Milk and Sugar are put into the Large cup,,,,,
a Bit of liquid is transferred from Small Cup to Large cup.
Swish it around in the large cup ,,,
Pour More from Small to Large,,,,
Swish it around in the large cup ,,,
Now all the coffee from Small to Large,,,,
Put more Milk and Sugar into the Small cup.
a Bit of liquid is transferred from Large to Small.
Pour More from Large to small,,,
Swish it around in the Small cup ,,,
EVEN MORE Milk and Sugar are put into the Large cup,,,,,
a Bit of liquid is transferred from Small Cup to Large cup.
Swish it around in the large cup ,,,
Pour More from Small to Large,,,,
Now ,,,,, with the Small in one hand and Large in the Other,,,,
Quickly pour the Coffee back and forth from Small to Large, Large to Small,,,, and Back again, and Again, and again, and Again,and again, and Again,, and Again, Like you had a Slinky in your hands and were moving the coil from hand to hand,....

TASTE from the Large CUP....
Now transfer all the Coffee / Milk / Sugar mixture that will fit into the Small Cup.
Pour the Remains of the Large cup into the Garbage. (oh yea,,, next to the Sign that says,,"Please DO NOT pour coffee into the Trash)
Discard the Large cup into same Can that the coffee just ended up in,,

Place Lid on Small Cup,,,
Pay ,, and Exit !

IF I AM LYING ,,, I'M Dying !

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