Saturday, July 31, 2010

And then it was one

So let me get this straight.... A Single, a Homerun ,,, and then nothing,,, essentially shutout for nine innings,.,,, Hughes did his job,,,, one bad pitch costs him the game,,, cause these guys act like the Rays staff is a combination of Koufax, Drysdale, and Gibson ! Come on... only two hits (BOTH CANO) after the 1st inning,,,, Jesus Wept ....

Austin Kearns,,, good pick up... you knew this was coming,,,and by end of today the Puma will be in pinstripes also.... can't have Juan Miranda, and Colin Curtis as the Big threats off the bench !

ok,,, so it's Vazquez today .vs Garza,,, and CC .vs Shields tomorrow... NY will be lucky to leave Tampa in 1st place,,,,

RedSox note,,, although they want one team to sweep,,, they don't really care which at this point,,, however, while either NY,, or Tampa is losing,,, they have to win.....

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