Friday, July 2, 2010

July.. Summer time, and the Livin is ???

WHAT ?? Easy ??? I think NOT !!

1) I am F'ing sick to death of Chan HO Park ! And if you are gonna bring MR HO into the Game - Why are you waiting??? Get him in there ,, while its still tied, so that the fans do not need to wait around to see the end of the game,,, get 'em, out on the Degan 15 minutes sooner !! Good GOD ! another loss,,,, star this one,, as another game that you should have won, and LOST,.... Based Loaded no outs, and AROD , and CANO ROD,, decide ...humm better to swing for the Fences, then Just make contact and score a run !

2)Ghana - what can you say,,, A PK (that's Penalty Kick) in the 121st minute,,, as the time is Out and the Game is over,,, Just make the PK,.,, and Move on to face Netherlands .... And he Hits the Cross Bar ! - Pulled his head up,,,Watch the Replay.. watch his head he look sup at the last second,, and guuess what that means he struck the ball higher than he wanted to , and poof,,, YOU are now the GOAT !

3) The best 4th of July Movie Line,,,

5) we will Be at the Stormville Flea Market tomorrow, from 9am - 4pm.,.. around section T404... Just look for the MAU - and the SPCA signs,,,,

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