I know I have not kept up here in a while,,,, and I know that when I get done today, you will think what an Ass-hole,,,
Seems - for an unexplained reason - I am affected more than I would think by the death of our cat "Tigger" Two weeks ago ,,,,
"T" was a big personality cat,,, a 24 pound Orange Cat with what we call "weather stripes" on his head,,, could swear they got darker when the weather got worse,,, Talked all the time,,, meowd like crazy ,, mostly for food,,, but I think at times just to carry on a conversation with me,,,, He would go right on , every time I said "T" ! ... he meowed,,,, he would climb up with us on the couch,, and lay on your chest, pushing his head into your face,,, he slept on our pillows at night, He was just one big Mush,,,,
Abandoned by his family at 7 years old , cause they moved to a new house,,, what Idiots,,, they had him de-clawed,,, but did not want to bring him along to the new place,,, I saw him at the SPCA.. in a cage near the Dog Kennel.. scared as hell ,,, and took him home the next day (BTW - we got another orange boy from that same cage a week or so later - SNARF who is still at home....) we had him for what 8 years ..
It was quick,,, Tuesday night he was fine ,,Wednesday he did not come out for the morning Canned food he loved ,,, and by Thursday noon - he was gone,,,

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