Thursday, March 4, 2010

Greetings,,, so by now you know that the beloved Winnie the Pooh or Pooh bear,,,is actually "Edward Bear" and if you had to look it up,,, it might be that you are takin life a bit too seriously... I will tell you a secret,,, well now a secret,,, but a little know fact,,, I was thrown out of a 4th grade class in Catholic school cause I could not get thru reading aloud the Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree - where Pooh gets stuck in Rabbit's front door,,, the whole ... "it all comes said Rabbit from eating too much" , and "it all comes said Pooh from not having front doors big enough" plus Christopher Robin reading the front hlaf of Pooh, and Rabbit hanging his laundry on the back half!!!

The lines just made me laugh,,, and you know Nuns are not much for laughter... sent me to the Principal,,, Sister Mary Margaret.. she at least , had a sense of humor !

And I still use the Terminology .. "Wedged (Bear) in Great Tightness" for things that are stuck !

and what was the 2nd thing,, oh yea,,,, now some folks think that Chip only has one tooth,,, Not true,,, Both Chip and Dale have TWO teeth,,,, It's just that Chips teeth are together, and Dale has that "Letterman" thing going on,... and has a gap between them,,, Also CHIP has the BLACK (ChocolateChip) nose, and Dale a Reddish/Brown, larger nose,,,,

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