Saturday, January 2, 2010

Many happy Returns

Ok,, so all those gifts that you lied about "Just Loving" are still where??? under the tree ? In their Boxes ?? Did you even try it on ??  Oh my,,,, this is the Story of the American Dream,,, thinking that we know just what gift to give a person,,,when that Person get's it , THEY LIE  , and say they "just  love it !",  but,, you never see it again... Yard Sales, and garage sales were the OLD fashion way to get rid of it ,,, Modern times call for Modern Measures aolutions,,E-Bay, and Craig's list  ! And don't wait in a Return Line ,, like this one !

Anyway,,, I think I have Better options,,, Next year ... suggest that you adopt a Family, ,,and give things to the people who have the least, or give money and supplies to your Local Animal shelter, go work at  a soup kitchen. Or Buy your own gifts , wrap 'em up ,, open them like you are surprised and VIOLA !! how did Santa Know I wanted that !!?? he is certainly a Smart Bastard , ain't he !

Put  a DIME in number 27....

So watchin the Honeymooners Marathon yesterday I thought about the Old Jackie Gleason show,,, and he did this routine as "Joe the Bartender"  a Comedy routine,,, and he would call this guy from the back "Crazy Guggenheim" he was really Frank Fontane,,, anyway,,, they would do the Jokes, and then Craz would sing,,, and Sing Frank Fontane can.

Here is an old clip if that show,,, with Joe, and Crazy,, You can Fast forward out to 5:20 to hear a Bit of HEART of My HEART,,,  real good stuff, and this clip is great cause you can see at the End of the song, Gleason applauding FOR REAL at Fontane's singing!.... 

Guess I am showing my 53+ years by remembering this,huh ??

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