Did I say plumbing SUCKS !!
Simple task - Move the holding tank to frm the room with the Sinks, and Washer dryer over into the Furnace room,,, it's the 1st part of a seeral part move to A) get more room in that little area B) move the big sink under the window, C) cover the mass of wirings / breaker box D) install doors on the room to "hide" it.. E) build a laundry "Chute" for the Blankets, and sheets that are used in the Cages, and Kennels.... Does not seem hard does it ??
Well - Plumbing is Involved.....
Day #1 - last Thursday -- Moved Tank, and had ned Pressure wswitch assemble installed, and back on line in UNDER TWO HOURS !! it was 6:20pm.... Caution.... Pressure switch will not turn off,,, gets to 50 PSI, and just chatters,,, on , off, on , off.... and it seems to be increasing in speed the longer we let it go,... after discussion,, off to Home Depot to get SMALL tank to take the "slap" out of the line,, after all now the Switch is like 30 feet from the tank,,, HD guy says don't matter,,,, but the pressure in the tank related to the low set pint on the switch must be off,,, sure enough he is right,,,, tank is at40 psi,,, switch is 30 psi,... tank needs to be 2 lbs BELOW the on set point,,, ok so now we got it !! We bleed the tank,, and VIOLA ! same Fing thing,.... ok now it's 8:30 .... back the DEPOT,, we make the call to moe the tank back,,, that takes till 10:30..... and except for NEW plumbing fixtures, and two leaks that we did not have Before we started ,, everything is back to SQUARE ONE !!
This Thursday....OK,,Let's try this one more time,,, With additional Advice and Council from others, and the INTERWEB ,,, it is decided that the switch needs to be within 4 feet of the Tank,,, NOT 30 feet away,,, and that the line from the well to the tank should NOT be reduced we went from 1 inch to 3/4 inch lst time so we could use an existing line,,,,, NFG.... we go with our best shot.... move the tank, install a 1 inch pipe from the inlet of the Well to the manifold at the tank,,, we install that in one shot no elbows in the over head... and VIOLA this time it works !! a slight leak under the tank that can and will be repaired later,,, its a thing of Beauty !!!
,,,,, Fast forward to Friday Morning,,,, sittin in Bread Alone,, sippin coffee and eating a perfectly toasted and buttered Everything Bagel... I am thinkin,, geez its really cold out,,, and we ran that Pipe in the over head,,,, hope it dont' freeze.... "Hold that Thought"... at almost exactly noon the call comes in,,, LINE FROZEN = NO WATER,,, ONE MORE TIME,,,, WE haul out the "new line" .. we need to run this in just above the DROP ceiling,,,, but that means holes in 2 Concrete walls, 2 sheet rock walls, either up and oer or under existing I - Beams,,,, ok,, let's do it,, we make a huge mess , and lotza noise that our Feline friends are not happy with,,, runnin that 1" Concrete hammer drill for am 1/2 hour is really noisy,,,, but it all only takes us 3 hours,,, and the water is back on !!! Listen give us three shots at anything, and we will get it right !!!
NEXT week is covering up that nasty Electrical Breaker Panel (that panel in the second Photo) BEFORE we move the sink over next to it,,,, hummmm Electric , and water,,,, how do they get along ????
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