Got my run in early as, it has turned very warm and humid here,,,,,, like lower 90's and humidity,,,,ugh,, The Weather Man has been callin for rain every day,,, and thunderstorms, and we have seen nether,,,, it did look yesterday that we drivin into a cloud when we were crossing the bridge onto Roanoke island,,,,, but no rain,,,,
So visited Kitty Hawk,,,, Wright Brothers national park, and all,,, I love that stuff,,,, they were amazing for their time,,,,,then onto Jockey's Ridge State park,,,, a HUGE,,, and I mean Huge sand dune,,,,,,,,,,,,,, check the pictures,,,,its amazing.... To Roanoke,,, the lost colony,,,, CROATAN - that's the word carved into the tree,,,,no people,, only one word,,, you would have thought that they would have updated their status on MY SPACE before they left !!! Thought that there would be more here,,,, but ,,, ok,,, and then the Aquarium,,,,,, that was really good,,, Otters, and Sharks, and oh my.,..
Yesterday,, just hung on the Beach after our busy day on Wednesday,,,,, the girls are looking for more shells ,,, this is just not a Shell kinda beach,,,,Just Chips,.
Maybe it was the Calmer seas, but the Dolphins finally made an appearance,,,, 2 in the morning headed South,,, the real treat we the afternoon,,, ~3pm,,,, had to have been 8 -10 of them all headed south, 2 tuned and went back toward the North,, the others went ~200 yards off shore, and just played around for a while jumping and diving,,, really cool..... too far away to get a photo....
Many Jet Fly overs, along with Army Helo's and the Coast Guard,,,
Seafood Steamer pot for dinner, and Pizza,.,,,,
and as I am posting this IT:s POURING OUTSIDE !!! and we have reservations for an Open air Jeep trek to see the Wild Horses !!! oh boy....
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