a few Photo's of the last day or so,,,, The rain they had talked about all week came to pass on Friday.... Wet and light most of the day..... all in all a good week,,, I don't need the heat and humidity,,, but OK,,, that's better than rain or Hurricanes....
Overall ,,, an A- Minus I think ,,, Great House,,,, Could have used Wireless WIFI.... I was "borrowing " a Signal from some neighbor... Some beach chairs, Umbrella, Sheets that come with the Rental would have added an extra touch.... but that's nit picking ! Weather was great,,, location was real Quiet,,, Nags head, and Kitty Hawk are much more commercial,, ick ! Duck is a terrific little town,,, It was a good mix of Beach time ( that I am not fond of) and activities,, that others do not like,,, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much food !! Seemed like I was always eating !!
It is a long drive,,, no good way to get there,,, 12 hours in the car,,, we slugged our way thru smaller roads on the way down,,,, stopping every 1/2 mile for a red light on a 12 hr ride is not fun,,, But going to Richmond, and up 95 took same time,,,, I just think the highway is an easier drive than stop and go for hours, and hours, and hours....
I would go Back,,,,
Sunrise on Thursday...
on the Beach road north of Carolla
Th Wild horses are very used to seeing people, and cars they barely look up.... and they wander where they want - roads, well, sand roads,,, thru yards, and near homes,,,
The beach is much flatter here than in Duck,,, and the sand , at least but the WATER is harder packed,, NOT like Daytona !
a Beautiful Palimino like stallion...
A little guy ....
and a CRAB under the car !!! Every time I tried to get a pix,, he ran back to his hole !! But I caught him a few feet away ,,,,this time
This was Friday morning,,,, Rough Seas,,, and big waves,,,,, wind also shifted around to be out of the Northeast,,, instead of the South east ,...
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