Sunday, September 20, 2009

The blog ... according to Matthew , Mark, Luke, and ...... DUCK

- Day one,,,, Long Drive,,,, Garman is F'ed up - no one would go the way that that damn thing took us,,,, only "saving" grace is that it looked like 10 hr drive no matter what !!!
Very windy,,,, but warm,,, 80 ..... high surf warnings,,,, and Rip currents...

Bob picked another excellent home,... we are right on the Beach,,, looking from the deck,,, ir feels like you are on the Surf !! Hosue is very nice,,,, clean,,, big bedrooms,,, and new kitchen,,,, THERE is NO one on the beach,,, we saw 3 other people !!

Guess you have to stop at Stuckey's !!!

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