The playoffs , at least most of 'em are all set.... The Sox are playing the Angels.... and the Yankees are awaiting either the Twins, or the Tigers.,.... so - are you worried about either Minnesota or Detroit ??? You should be,,, the Yanks have been knocked out the last three playoffs they were in - in this 1st round series. !! by the Indians, the Twins, and the Angels... so no guarantees, that said,, I think they get ot the ALCS where the Redsox will await them for a trip to the World Series.,..
so - 11 Playoffs wins ,,, and you are Series champs,,, sounds easy -right,... not so fast..... let's just win this one series at at time
This 1st round will be CC,,,, AJ, and Andrew. I - go this thinkin from Joe Torre, that Game 3 is most important,,, figure this.... if you are up 2 -0 - you can close it out... if its 1-1 winning game 3 means you need one more,,, and that THEY can't win it at home,,, the THEY must come back to the Bronx... and If you are down 0-2 - goes without saying,.... Must win...
Nice Ceremony before last nights game,,, giving Jeter, & Mariano those gifts, along with Melky's ring,,, You could feel how uncomfortable Jeets was,,,, I am sure he said - "that's it - right " after the seats... HE dislikes the individual accomplishment, and always looks to the TEAM 1st approach,,, good lesson for the KIDS today,,, or anyone !
a couple from the Past,,, let's hope there are a few of these in the shadows of this new Ball park,,, this year !!
Do you remember all of these??? from Chamblis's walkoff .vs the Royals... (I was there for that one ) to Reggie,,, to Aaron Boone's Walkoff .vs Boston... the Perfect games ,.... it just goes on and on does it not ???
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Big Bang Theory
So,, if you are not watchin this show ,,, you need to start,.....
If you are unfamiliar with it.... go to their web site.. and check it out,,,, there are also,.,, YOU TUBE videos of clips and segments that you can watch to see the entire show,,, MAD COOL - huh,...??
How Jim Parsons did not win the Emmy for his portrayal of Dr. Sheldon Cooper is beyond me,,,
This is a clip from last nights show,,, they - Sheldon, Raj, and Howard , are in the closet looking for a cricket,,, and have some difficulty getting out of the closet.....
Ed Robertson,,,, and The -expanded version - of the Theme song
and then,,,, WHO is the Smartest ???
If you are unfamiliar with it.... go to their web site.. and check it out,,,, there are also,.,, YOU TUBE videos of clips and segments that you can watch to see the entire show,,, MAD COOL - huh,...??
How Jim Parsons did not win the Emmy for his portrayal of Dr. Sheldon Cooper is beyond me,,,
This is a clip from last nights show,,, they - Sheldon, Raj, and Howard , are in the closet looking for a cricket,,, and have some difficulty getting out of the closet.....
Ed Robertson,,,, and The -expanded version - of the Theme song
and then,,,, WHO is the Smartest ???
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
And so,
It ends,,, another year ,, another vacation,,,, planning and waiting for next year is to begin ..well who knows,,, I know this, I can't go 9 months between Weeks off,,,,,, Last years Disney trip was the Marathon in January,,,,as is this years,,,, so we need something in from January to September !!
a few Photo's of the last day or so,,,, The rain they had talked about all week came to pass on Friday.... Wet and light most of the day..... all in all a good week,,, I don't need the heat and humidity,,, but OK,,, that's better than rain or Hurricanes....
Overall ,,, an A- Minus I think ,,, Great House,,,, Could have used Wireless WIFI.... I was "borrowing " a Signal from some neighbor... Some beach chairs, Umbrella, Sheets that come with the Rental would have added an extra touch.... but that's nit picking ! Weather was great,,, location was real Quiet,,, Nags head, and Kitty Hawk are much more commercial,, ick ! Duck is a terrific little town,,, It was a good mix of Beach time ( that I am not fond of) and activities,, that others do not like,,, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much food !! Seemed like I was always eating !!
It is a long drive,,, no good way to get there,,, 12 hours in the car,,, we slugged our way thru smaller roads on the way down,,,, stopping every 1/2 mile for a red light on a 12 hr ride is not fun,,, But going to Richmond, and up 95 took same time,,,, I just think the highway is an easier drive than stop and go for hours, and hours, and hours....
I would go Back,,,,
Sunrise on Thursday...
Rainbow,,, but no rain...
The team beaten from the beach ,,,,,

on the Beach road north of Carolla

Th Wild horses are very used to seeing people, and cars they barely look up.... and they wander where they want - roads, well, sand roads,,, thru yards, and near homes,,,

The beach is much flatter here than in Duck,,, and the sand , at least but the WATER is harder packed,, NOT like Daytona !

a Beautiful Palimino like stallion...

A little guy ....

and a CRAB under the car !!! Every time I tried to get a pix,, he ran back to his hole !! But I caught him a few feet away ,,,,this time

This was Friday morning,,,, Rough Seas,,, and big waves,,,,, wind also shifted around to be out of the Northeast,,, instead of the South east ,...
and Many fighter jets,,, all week,,, here are just a couple of pictures of them.....

a few Photo's of the last day or so,,,, The rain they had talked about all week came to pass on Friday.... Wet and light most of the day..... all in all a good week,,, I don't need the heat and humidity,,, but OK,,, that's better than rain or Hurricanes....
Overall ,,, an A- Minus I think ,,, Great House,,,, Could have used Wireless WIFI.... I was "borrowing " a Signal from some neighbor... Some beach chairs, Umbrella, Sheets that come with the Rental would have added an extra touch.... but that's nit picking ! Weather was great,,, location was real Quiet,,, Nags head, and Kitty Hawk are much more commercial,, ick ! Duck is a terrific little town,,, It was a good mix of Beach time ( that I am not fond of) and activities,, that others do not like,,, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much food !! Seemed like I was always eating !!
It is a long drive,,, no good way to get there,,, 12 hours in the car,,, we slugged our way thru smaller roads on the way down,,,, stopping every 1/2 mile for a red light on a 12 hr ride is not fun,,, But going to Richmond, and up 95 took same time,,,, I just think the highway is an easier drive than stop and go for hours, and hours, and hours....
I would go Back,,,,
Sunrise on Thursday...
on the Beach road north of Carolla
Th Wild horses are very used to seeing people, and cars they barely look up.... and they wander where they want - roads, well, sand roads,,, thru yards, and near homes,,,
The beach is much flatter here than in Duck,,, and the sand , at least but the WATER is harder packed,, NOT like Daytona !
a Beautiful Palimino like stallion...
A little guy ....
and a CRAB under the car !!! Every time I tried to get a pix,, he ran back to his hole !! But I caught him a few feet away ,,,,this time
This was Friday morning,,,, Rough Seas,,, and big waves,,,,, wind also shifted around to be out of the Northeast,,, instead of the South east ,...
Thursday, September 24, 2009
in which many things are resolved - some on the beach
Whoa,,,,, A super busy day even for vacation,,,,,,
Got my run in early as, it has turned very warm and humid here,,,,,, like lower 90's and humidity,,,,ugh,, The Weather Man has been callin for rain every day,,, and thunderstorms, and we have seen nether,,,, it did look yesterday that we drivin into a cloud when we were crossing the bridge onto Roanoke island,,,,, but no rain,,,,
So visited Kitty Hawk,,,, Wright Brothers national park, and all,,, I love that stuff,,,, they were amazing for their time,,,,,then onto Jockey's Ridge State park,,,, a HUGE,,, and I mean Huge sand dune,,,,,,,,,,,,,, check the pictures,,,,its amazing.... To Roanoke,,, the lost colony,,,, CROATAN - that's the word carved into the tree,,,,no people,, only one word,,, you would have thought that they would have updated their status on MY SPACE before they left !!! Thought that there would be more here,,,, but ,,, ok,,, and then the Aquarium,,,,,, that was really good,,, Otters, and Sharks, and oh my.,..
Yesterday,, just hung on the Beach after our busy day on Wednesday,,,,, the girls are looking for more shells ,,, this is just not a Shell kinda beach,,,,Just Chips,.
Maybe it was the Calmer seas, but the Dolphins finally made an appearance,,,, 2 in the morning headed South,,, the real treat we the afternoon,,, ~3pm,,,, had to have been 8 -10 of them all headed south, 2 tuned and went back toward the North,, the others went ~200 yards off shore, and just played around for a while jumping and diving,,, really cool..... too far away to get a photo....
Many Jet Fly overs, along with Army Helo's and the Coast Guard,,,
Seafood Steamer pot for dinner, and Pizza,.,,,,
and as I am posting this IT:s POURING OUTSIDE !!! and we have reservations for an Open air Jeep trek to see the Wild Horses !!! oh boy....

Got my run in early as, it has turned very warm and humid here,,,,,, like lower 90's and humidity,,,,ugh,, The Weather Man has been callin for rain every day,,, and thunderstorms, and we have seen nether,,,, it did look yesterday that we drivin into a cloud when we were crossing the bridge onto Roanoke island,,,,, but no rain,,,,
So visited Kitty Hawk,,,, Wright Brothers national park, and all,,, I love that stuff,,,, they were amazing for their time,,,,,then onto Jockey's Ridge State park,,,, a HUGE,,, and I mean Huge sand dune,,,,,,,,,,,,,, check the pictures,,,,its amazing.... To Roanoke,,, the lost colony,,,, CROATAN - that's the word carved into the tree,,,,no people,, only one word,,, you would have thought that they would have updated their status on MY SPACE before they left !!! Thought that there would be more here,,,, but ,,, ok,,, and then the Aquarium,,,,,, that was really good,,, Otters, and Sharks, and oh my.,..
Yesterday,, just hung on the Beach after our busy day on Wednesday,,,,, the girls are looking for more shells ,,, this is just not a Shell kinda beach,,,,Just Chips,.
Maybe it was the Calmer seas, but the Dolphins finally made an appearance,,,, 2 in the morning headed South,,, the real treat we the afternoon,,, ~3pm,,,, had to have been 8 -10 of them all headed south, 2 tuned and went back toward the North,, the others went ~200 yards off shore, and just played around for a while jumping and diving,,, really cool..... too far away to get a photo....
Many Jet Fly overs, along with Army Helo's and the Coast Guard,,,
Seafood Steamer pot for dinner, and Pizza,.,,,,
and as I am posting this IT:s POURING OUTSIDE !!! and we have reservations for an Open air Jeep trek to see the Wild Horses !!! oh boy....
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
It's a Beautiful day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yanks have clinched a spot in the PostSeason for the 48th time !!! If they can straighten out the Starting pitching ,, they have a shot,,,, if not , they could get Whacked in the ALDS - AGAIN !!
So, what is it that draws us to the water,,,,,,, the Ocean, the Lakes??? Seems that ever since we crawled out the Primordial ooze.... we have been looking to go back there,,, or is it that most of our ancestors came here via Boat,,,, and we are attempting to regain that adventure,,,, for what ever reason,,,, Mankind - and us , I , have made it a point to return to the edge of the water, peer into it and revisit a piece of the past,,,,,,,
The visit to Corolla was cool,,,, about 10 miles North of Duck,,,, and absolutely the last town on the Coast as you head Up toward Virginia,,,, the Road actually ends in Corolla,,, and you have to drive on the Beach ! We are going to be less adventurous, with the Subara, and Benz,,, and will head back on Thursday or Friday to rent a Jeep,,, and see if we can see the Wild (Perhaps) Ponies that live on and around the dunes outside Carolla,,,
A climb of the light house, a Walk on an elevated walkway out to the Bay side,,,, and a visit tot the Kite shop... Seriously the Owner must have done a little too much LDS (see Kirk's comment on Spock in ST4) in the 60's .................

So, what is it that draws us to the water,,,,,,, the Ocean, the Lakes??? Seems that ever since we crawled out the Primordial ooze.... we have been looking to go back there,,, or is it that most of our ancestors came here via Boat,,,, and we are attempting to regain that adventure,,,, for what ever reason,,,, Mankind - and us , I , have made it a point to return to the edge of the water, peer into it and revisit a piece of the past,,,,,,,
The visit to Corolla was cool,,,, about 10 miles North of Duck,,,, and absolutely the last town on the Coast as you head Up toward Virginia,,,, the Road actually ends in Corolla,,, and you have to drive on the Beach ! We are going to be less adventurous, with the Subara, and Benz,,, and will head back on Thursday or Friday to rent a Jeep,,, and see if we can see the Wild (Perhaps) Ponies that live on and around the dunes outside Carolla,,,
A climb of the light house, a Walk on an elevated walkway out to the Bay side,,,, and a visit tot the Kite shop... Seriously the Owner must have done a little too much LDS (see Kirk's comment on Spock in ST4) in the 60's .................
Monday, September 21, 2009
Duck Season,....................
Day 2 - Monday,,,,
Shopping this morning....,,,, boring, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, then Beach,,, 3 F18 fighter jets buzzed the OBX,,,,, then a chinook Helo,,,,, Mad cool
Winner winner ,,,,Chicken Dinner,,,,with rice, and shrimp !! choo forgot the Shrimp,,,, ahhhh "F" the Shrimp !!
Looks like some rain in the next two days ,,so it's the Aquarium,,,, and Roanoke Island,,, hope we don't get lost ... hahahahaha ... need to find a marina,,, I love to watch them bring in the fish....................

Many Pelicans !!!!
The Kite Sisters !!!
OMG - More of the Kite sisters

Bald Eagle on the Beach,,,,,,

Shopping this morning....,,,, boring, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, then Beach,,, 3 F18 fighter jets buzzed the OBX,,,,, then a chinook Helo,,,,, Mad cool
Winner winner ,,,,Chicken Dinner,,,,with rice, and shrimp !! choo forgot the Shrimp,,,, ahhhh "F" the Shrimp !!
Looks like some rain in the next two days ,,so it's the Aquarium,,,, and Roanoke Island,,, hope we don't get lost ... hahahahaha ... need to find a marina,,, I love to watch them bring in the fish....................
Many Pelicans !!!!
Bald Eagle on the Beach,,,,,,
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sunrise on Sunday Morning
The blog ... according to Matthew , Mark, Luke, and ...... DUCK
- Day one,,,, Long Drive,,,, Garman is F'ed up - no one would go the way that that damn thing took us,,,, only "saving" grace is that it looked like 10 hr drive no matter what !!!
Very windy,,,, but warm,,, 80 ..... high surf warnings,,,, and Rip currents...
Bob picked another excellent home,... we are right on the Beach,,, looking from the deck,,, ir feels like you are on the Surf !! Hosue is very nice,,,, clean,,, big bedrooms,,, and new kitchen,,,, THERE is NO one on the beach,,, we saw 3 other people !!
Guess you have to stop at Stuckey's !!!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
for Mary..........................
Walk offs in New York, and Boston,,,, but today is About Mary ................ although I had seen Peter Yarrow ,,, and Noel Paul Stookey several times at "The Chance" - I regret never seeing Mary in person,,,,,,, However her presence in that group was what made them.,... that powerful voice, the energy that you could just see , and feel in the recordings,,, So here are two from PPM,....
Early Morning rain,,,
a Terrible recording,,,, But I love this song,,, so Tough,,,
Early Morning rain,,,
a Terrible recording,,,, But I love this song,,, so Tough,,,
Monday, September 14, 2009
Wadda Week !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So,, a week till vacation, and the GODs are aligned with makin this a real home stretch run,,,,,, I have a week long,,, meeting with folks from Bromont, and Burlington,,, all part of the Value Stream..... and a "deep dive" - into all our processes to look for efficiencies !! So that's all day - 8am - 5pm - every day , starting TODAY !!
Need another lawn mow, a house Vacuum,,, a little cooking of Pasta, cavatelli,,, and Chicken , so we have a few meals for vacation,,,, Packing,,, never-mind getting to run,,, like when will that be ???
So,, OK,,,, Off I go,,,
BTW,,, Playoffs are set in the AL,,,, Yanks .vs Tigers,,, and Bosox .vs Angels,,,,
No easy roads to the Series from here,.,...
Need another lawn mow, a house Vacuum,,, a little cooking of Pasta, cavatelli,,, and Chicken , so we have a few meals for vacation,,,, Packing,,, never-mind getting to run,,, like when will that be ???
So,, OK,,,, Off I go,,,
BTW,,, Playoffs are set in the AL,,,, Yanks .vs Tigers,,, and Bosox .vs Angels,,,,
No easy roads to the Series from here,.,...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Paws in the PARK
On a Sunday.....

Derek Jeter has more hits than anyone in Yankee history ! WOW - that is amazing,,,
After a very wet setup on Friday..., and a gloomy start for the Saturday Paws in the Park ,,, the sun came out, and it did not rain on the Doggiess,,,, of which there were hundreds,,, Pictures to follow later today,,,, and Hey , I saw an olde friend of mine,, the guy who was my BestMan .... very cool...............
Some Pix and Video,,, from Michael Woyton,,,
Pager down a few,,, Sally Made an appearance,,, she is doing just wonderfully,,, this was the god left to die in the Salvation army Clothing bin .,..
Paws in the Park - Pojo Link
and for YOU on this Sunday is Blowing AWAY .,...
Blowin in the Wind
Friday, September 11, 2009
September 11th ......

Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts. The victims were in airplanes, or in their offices; secretaries, businessmen and women, military and federal workers; moms and dads, friends and neighbours. Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror.
A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.
This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace. America has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time. None of us will ever forget this day. Yet, we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world.

Thursday, September 10, 2009
El Capitan '

Well ,,, well,,,3 for 4 and a TIE at the top with the Iron Horse !
You are watching history in the making,,, put you face - touch your nose right on to a painting ,,, can't see it real well huh,,, but as you back away , it becomes clear,,,, and you realize that you might be staring at the Mona Lisa,,,, I think that we have watched this guy day after day,,, we are so close that we forget actually how good he is,,,, and not only what a terrific Hall of Fame player Derek is,,, but never a misspoken word,,, always praise for his team mates,, and peers,,, and the ultimate respect for those who came before him....
Witness what I think was his greatest play ,, the "FLIP" that put out Jeremy Giambi in that playoff game between Oakland and the Yankees,,, where Jeter was between Home plate, and 1st,, intercepted a wayoff the line throw, and "flipped" it backwards to Posada who tagged out Giambi,,,, After the game Derek is asked what he was doing backing up a play on the other side of the field,,,What was the Shortstop doin way over there ??
What does he say,,,, "Mr Torre has us practice that play all the time" !

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Swiffer !!!
13 Walk off wins,,, that's amazing,,,, and this Nick Swisher guy is doing very well,, kinda an adventure in right field , but he could end up with 30 home runs, and darn near 90 RBI's ,,, with an OBP of .385,.... so,, we will take that !!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
is someone saying Nine ??
Oh my,, is someone saying nine ??? hummmm come on I heard someone saying something??? the Lead is NINE games,,, perhaps that's what I hear !?!?! tomorrow is the 9th??? Could be that's it ?!?!? a few more than 9 days to go till my VACATION ! is it possible that is the Nine that I am hearing ?? Guess we may never know,,,,
another incident takes place that is unexplainable,,,, remember when I said about All the Planets aligning,,, and circumstance,,, and that Guy I met in EPCOT ??? humm do you remember , or am I the only one paying attention here??? any way,,, I stop the other day at the PAGE's out on rt 55,,,, I buy sand paper, and a few nuts bolts,, etc,,, no biggie,,, as I walk away from the counter,, the guy calls me back to get my Receipt,,, like I am returning Used sandpaper ??? right,,,, fast forward ahead 5 minutes to my getting back onto the TAC north bound,,, and as I am coming around the bend a Car that is exiting the TAC,,, goes right across the Exit lane , across my lane and ends up in the Grass !!
Rewind to that Receipt !! If I had not gone back to the receipt,,, I would have, or damn near might have been right in that Cars Crash path,,, but as it was he drove thru the grass, and I continued on ,,,,, how many of these things happen , that we aren't even aware of ,,, is it Fate,?? is it Karma ??? there is no master plan.... it is all Happenstance !!
and Going back for meaningless receipts....
here is Muddy Waters,,, and The Stones with Mannish BOY !
and Hoochie Coochie Man,,
another incident takes place that is unexplainable,,,, remember when I said about All the Planets aligning,,, and circumstance,,, and that Guy I met in EPCOT ??? humm do you remember , or am I the only one paying attention here??? any way,,, I stop the other day at the PAGE's out on rt 55,,,, I buy sand paper, and a few nuts bolts,, etc,,, no biggie,,, as I walk away from the counter,, the guy calls me back to get my Receipt,,, like I am returning Used sandpaper ??? right,,,, fast forward ahead 5 minutes to my getting back onto the TAC north bound,,, and as I am coming around the bend a Car that is exiting the TAC,,, goes right across the Exit lane , across my lane and ends up in the Grass !!
Rewind to that Receipt !! If I had not gone back to the receipt,,, I would have, or damn near might have been right in that Cars Crash path,,, but as it was he drove thru the grass, and I continued on ,,,,, how many of these things happen , that we aren't even aware of ,,, is it Fate,?? is it Karma ??? there is no master plan.... it is all Happenstance !!
and Going back for meaningless receipts....
here is Muddy Waters,,, and The Stones with Mannish BOY !
and Hoochie Coochie Man,,
Monday, September 7, 2009
That's some bad hat Harry !!
Well this is not a boat accident! It wasn't any propeller!
It wasn't any coral reef! And it wasn't Jack the Ripper!
It was a shark.

Martin, it's all psychological.
You yell `barracuda!', everybody says `huh, what?'.
You yell `shark!' and we've got a panic on our hands on
the fourth of July.
Well this is not a boat accident! It wasn't any propeller!
It wasn't any coral reef! And it wasn't Jack the Ripper!
It was a shark.

Martin, it's all psychological.
You yell `barracuda!', everybody says `huh, what?'.
You yell `shark!' and we've got a panic on our hands on
the fourth of July.
LABOR day ???
oh boy,,, days off turn into work days,,, and really stressful stuff,,, Missed deliveries,,, 3rd Qtr revenue sitting in the line,,, etcetc,,, no one cares,... keep whining !
sued to be that nearly every holiday had a double header associated with it,, and Most Sunday's too,,, but, money has made MLB move away from the double header format, and Teams,, yes, those millionaire players that we Cheer for, are no fond of double headers either,,, so even though today is not the classic double header,, its actually a 2 admission, 1pm, and 7pm start because of that RAINOUT ,... it's always cool to see to see TWO games,,, and my daughter,, and older son,,, will be at both games... hope they win !!
For Monday ,,, and No it's no Manic Monday,,, although it's early - and could get more exciting later today,,,,
A little humor,,,, the First scenes of Blazing Saddles,,,,,
To tell a family secret ,, My Grandmother was Dutch
Little Feat !
sued to be that nearly every holiday had a double header associated with it,, and Most Sunday's too,,, but, money has made MLB move away from the double header format, and Teams,, yes, those millionaire players that we Cheer for, are no fond of double headers either,,, so even though today is not the classic double header,, its actually a 2 admission, 1pm, and 7pm start because of that RAINOUT ,... it's always cool to see to see TWO games,,, and my daughter,, and older son,,, will be at both games... hope they win !!
For Monday ,,, and No it's no Manic Monday,,, although it's early - and could get more exciting later today,,,,
A little humor,,,, the First scenes of Blazing Saddles,,,,,
To tell a family secret ,, My Grandmother was Dutch
Little Feat !
Sunday, September 6, 2009
All right you chipmunks !
It's Sunday, and Sunday means,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, uh really , no idea,,, Yankees keep winning,,,, Boston Lost awwwwwwwwwwwww ... the Lead in the AL is now 8 and a 1/2 games,,, I think we ca call it,, right now,,, The AL playoffs are Yankees .vs Tigers,,,and Angels .vs Redsox,,, so no "easy" road to the Series here,,,, Yankees get Verlander perhaps twice in 5 Game series,,,, and the Halo's and Sox are always hard on each other,,,,
The NL ,,, Looks like Phillies, Dodgers, St Louis, and Colorado for the Wild Card,,,,but the Giants are only a game back of the Rockies,,,, so today it's Phillies .vs Wild card winner, and Dodgers,.vs St Louis,...
It's off to the Flea market,, and the Outreach with the doggies, & cats,,, should be a nice day for that,,,,,
Work is a mess,,TWO major tools are down,,, 3rd Quarter Revenue is sitting on the Shelf,,, and our support needs help from far away,,,, Kalispel and Japan,,,, As John Hammond stated in Jurrasic Park,,, " We are over-dependant on Automation,,, I can see that now,,,.." Ahhh robotics and Wafer handlers
Sunday selections.,.... Styx.... and OH BTW,, Styx is NOT Styx with out Dennis DeYoung
Domo Arigato..... Mr Roboto !!!
and Madame Blue.,....
The NL ,,, Looks like Phillies, Dodgers, St Louis, and Colorado for the Wild Card,,,,but the Giants are only a game back of the Rockies,,,, so today it's Phillies .vs Wild card winner, and Dodgers,.vs St Louis,...
It's off to the Flea market,, and the Outreach with the doggies, & cats,,, should be a nice day for that,,,,,
Work is a mess,,TWO major tools are down,,, 3rd Quarter Revenue is sitting on the Shelf,,, and our support needs help from far away,,,, Kalispel and Japan,,,, As John Hammond stated in Jurrasic Park,,, " We are over-dependant on Automation,,, I can see that now,,,.." Ahhh robotics and Wafer handlers
Sunday selections.,.... Styx.... and OH BTW,, Styx is NOT Styx with out Dennis DeYoung
Domo Arigato..... Mr Roboto !!!
and Madame Blue.,....
Friday, September 4, 2009
Well,, now that it's Friday....................
What was that ruckus ?!?!? uhhh what ruckus ? I was just in my office, and I hear a ruckus... Could you describe the Ruckus sir?
If my equipment status (well not MY equipment per se,,,) the tool set that I manage ,,, have anything to do with my mood, you will understand that I am not feeling well,,, and the next person that crosses the Path will - unfortunately - be the one to get it !
so - here we go , the sorta official weekend that marks the end of a Summer,,, did I tell you I HATE F'ing summer ! Heat , Humidity, Bugs ! Mosquito's - I hate them extra,, that is what they get their own category out side of the General BUGS !
CD / DVD of the week, or weekend,,, Please pull out your copy of Talking Heads,,, Stop Making Sense,...
Here is Heaven,,, check out the Guitar melody that Byrne is Playing,,, I'd give my right eye to just be able to strum along like that !! Oh , and my Favorite Bass player Tina Weymouth
and ONCE IN A LIFE TIME,,,, Saw this tour at the Beacon theater,,,, they were GREAT
THIS IS NOT MY beautiful wife
If my equipment status (well not MY equipment per se,,,) the tool set that I manage ,,, have anything to do with my mood, you will understand that I am not feeling well,,, and the next person that crosses the Path will - unfortunately - be the one to get it !
so - here we go , the sorta official weekend that marks the end of a Summer,,, did I tell you I HATE F'ing summer ! Heat , Humidity, Bugs ! Mosquito's - I hate them extra,, that is what they get their own category out side of the General BUGS !
CD / DVD of the week, or weekend,,, Please pull out your copy of Talking Heads,,, Stop Making Sense,...
Here is Heaven,,, check out the Guitar melody that Byrne is Playing,,, I'd give my right eye to just be able to strum along like that !! Oh , and my Favorite Bass player Tina Weymouth
and ONCE IN A LIFE TIME,,,, Saw this tour at the Beacon theater,,,, they were GREAT
THIS IS NOT MY beautiful wife
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Beckett ,,, wiping the Tears from his eyes,,, Guess he does not know that there's NO CRYING IN BASEBALL !!
oh,,,,,,, Poor Becket-Head - Boston lost Again ! .,, Cy Young ?? ,,, I think NOT..
And the lead is now 7 and a 1/2,,,,, Mr Sabathia is now the League leader in Wins in the AL with 16,,,, honestly Verlander is still my Cy Young award guy,,, but we still have a month to go,,, Mariano is out ! Resting a groin, that I guarantee if the race was closer, he would pitch,, but we Yankee fans Know all too well, "ITS ALL ABOUT OCTOBER" the Curse of the Yankees is that winning the AL east, or the AL Pennant is not cutting it,,,, success and failure is based on a World Series championship,,,, think about that,,,, If YOUR personal success and failure was based solely on YOU being the Best in the world at what you do ... How would you stack up??? Would you have been the BEST in the WORLD at something 26 times in YOUR life !??? Betcha NOT !
It's WHY Yankee fans are Yankee Fans,,, and the the rest of you are Wanna bees,,,, cause you can lay back, watch your teams LOSE - again,,, and still find solace in the Yankees losing, Think about what that says about you as a person,,, YOUR existence is not in Winning but in Watching OTHERS Lose,,, Careful that does not leak over into other parts of your life.....
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