Monday, July 15, 2024

THIS is NOT America

 Let me say it . The assassination attempt against  Trump was WRONG- this is not who we are as Americans. WE like to think that we use the Ballot Box to settle things not Guns.  However;  in the past Politicians have been the victims and have had their  taken lives. The obvious ones that we know are - Lincoln, Kennedy, RFK, Martin Luther King, James Garfield, William McKinley,  and  some failed ones - against  George Wallace, Ronald Reagan,  Gerald Ford, FDR as President Elect. Harry Truman, Teddy Roosevelt. 

We like to think that these things only happen in 3rd world countries; however they clearly have happened here.   and look - there is no one that wants Trump out of this race more than me - but NOT LIKE THIS- I wanna see him get his ass kicked to the curb in the election ... Political violence is NEVER ACCEPTABLE.

But - look we are not living in a fantasy world. The Rhetoric by Trump himself has moved the needle toward violence.  He and the GOP have mocked those that were recent victims of crimes - even though this does not make what happened Saturday excusable -  in 2020 he mocked the Kidnapping attempt against Governor Gretchen Whitmer and his audience laughed and applauded.  in 2021- he prompted the attack on the Capital - with a FIGHT LIKE HELL speech- Gallows were erected on the Lawn and "Hang Mike Pence" was shouted by his supporters - then Senators and Representatives - some of whom ran for their lives when  the crowd attacked the Capital - called it a tourist visit  (by some in tactical gear , with bear spray and zip tie handcuffs). in September of 2023 - Trump mocked the hammer attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband - and his crowds laughed, cheered and applauded. In 2017 - he defended White Nationalists that caused violence in Charlottesville , calling them "very fine people" . 

In addition - the GOP has suggested that we "get over it" and offered Thoughts and Prayers after Schools shooting - in Newtown - CT, Uvalde - TX, and Parkland FL . blaming entrances , doors, and suggesting we arm Teachers to prevent these things,,...  

SO please spare us the Righteous indignation - that "Violence is never the Answer"  and similar statements that the GOP has come out with. 


I don't need to say that I am not an expert on these things, Im not even a Sub Novice on the Secret service work.. however - I think they have a couple of questions to answer.

- How did a Gunman get so close to the EX- POTUS and get the upper position on them - as they left that roof top unguarded ??

-  While there are tons of video on the day - you can clearly see that the Sharp shooter - FBI or Secret Service on the other roof - was looking thru his scope in the direction of the Shooter - he lifts his head - you hear shots - then he looks back thru the scope and returns fire -  I assume killing the Shooter - why did he wait ? Why did he lift his head ?

- While I believe that the Secret Service has  great training and preparation for the possibility of these incidents. How the Hell did an 80 year old man get up and manage to get his  head and upper torso above the agents for what I counted as three Photo-ops... They had no idea at that point if there were multiple  shooters and from different angles -  they had to assume that the first shots might be a diversion that you were then going to run him into the main threat - gladly not the case - but they didn't know that then.   Contrast this with the attempt on Ronald Reagan -  where they jumped in his pushed him to the floor of the Limo he as headed towards and sped away.  You never saw and part of Reagan after that 1st shot was fired. 

- and I will assume that there was an ambulance standing by at the Rally- why was he not put into that  ?  Maybe protocol was to get to the Armored Limo then move to the medical transport or were the Medics move to the "beast II" car  ???  

And while not the Secret Service or law enforcement issue -  nearly no one behind Trump moved. Heck - there are more people that try to exit from the  back of an airplane  - 2 seconds after the doors open - even though there are 150 people in front of them- they still stand and try to get forward but not here ?? stunned I suppose ...  plus - watch the video - who is the guy in the Brown Derby right to the Left of the podium- he does not flinch. 

This guy 

And - I have already read threats from the Right - about Civil war ..  about you - whoever you is - attack us , we attack you. and suggestions that the shooter was Antifa, was a Democrat , or Liberal ,,, all untrue - from what we know as I write this - he was a white  20 something male  , he was a supporter of the GOP = made a small donation to a liberal candidate or group a few years ago,. what he was not was a Migrant illegal or not , he was not in Drag, Did not come from an LGBTQ event, not wearing a Biden shirt. Clearly we need a better understanding of what this person thought , who he communicated with in the hours, days , weeks leading up to this.... 



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