Thursday, July 11, 2024

The GOP platform


  1. SEAL THE BORDER, AND STOP THE MIGRANT INVASION - so much for all that  "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! "
  2. CARRY OUT THE LARGEST DEPORTATION OPERATION IN AMERICAN HISTORY - sound like the Nazi detention camps or the US camps of Japanese during WW2 ?  what could go wrong ? Armed guards going around the country rounding up people - putting them in camps and shipping them - where ?? 
  3. END INFLATION, AND MAKE AMERICA AFFORDABLE AGAIN - ya and do you have way how  ? or Just say that we will end inflation ?
  4. MAKE AMERICA THE DOMINANT ENERGY PRODUCER IN THE WORLD, BY FAR! ummm WE ALREADY ARE !!!  BY FAR - For the first time in more than 60 years, US energy production is now higher than US energy consumption,
  5. STOP OUTSOURCING, AND TURN THE UNITED STATES INTO A MANUFACTURING SUPERPOWER - so all y'all won't be voting against the jobs act, the infacstructure act , the chips act ETC ???
  6. LARGE TAX CUTS FOR WORKERS, AND NO TAX ON TIPS!   not like last time when you cut taxes on the Billionaires and we got stuck paying the higher taxes ??  and please explain where you are getting the added tax revenue to cover all these cuts ??
  7. DEFEND OUR CONSTITUTION, OUR BILL OF RIGHTS, AND OUR FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS, INCLUDING FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM OF RELIGION, AND THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS - OH like a PErsons right to choose and vote ??  Those Freedoms ,, and freedom of religion ?? that one too ??
  8. PREVENT WORLD WAR THREE, RESTORE PEACE IN EUROPE AND IN THE MIDDLE EAST, AND BUILD A GREAT IRON DOME MISSILE DEFENSE SHIELD OVER OUR ENTIRE COUNTRY -- ALL MADE IN AMERICA -  ohhh just spout random BS,, and hope the Cultists buy into it...  BY siding with a dictator - Putin and Orban , and MBS?? 
  9. END THE WEAPONIZATION OF GOVERNMENT AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE - oh and yea - "I will be your retribution" -  or you just gonna eliminate everyoen that does not agree with you??
  10. STOP THE MIGRANT CRIME EPIDEMIC, DEMOLISH THE FOREIGN DRUG CARTELS, CRUSH GANG VIOLENCE, AND LOCK UP VIOLENT OFFENDERS - Violent offenders ?? Like ones that invade the Capitol and assault and kill Police officers in doing so ??? 
  11. REBUILD OUR CITIES, INCLUDING WASHINGTON DC, MAKING THEM SAFE, CLEAN, AND BEAUTIFUL AGAIN. and flowers and puppies for everyone ??? maybe candy - can I get candy too ?? 
  12. STRENGTHEN AND MODERNIZE OUR MILITARY, MAKING IT, WITHOUT QUESTION, THE STRONGEST AND MOST POWERFUL IN THE WORLD - WE all ready are -  And most of you republicans voted AGAINST the PACT act !! and are we gonna stop calling Veterns Suckers and losers?
  14. FIGHT FOR AND PROTECT SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE WITH NO CUTS, INCLUDING NO CHANGES TO THE RETIREMENT AGE - that aint what the Speaker has been saying ,,,, he want to cut them to balance the budget - his words not mine - even though we know one has nothing to do with the other
  15. CANCEL THE ELECTRIC VEHICLE MANDATE AND CUT COSTLY AND BURDENSOME REGULATIONS - yea - your Bought and paid for judges did most of that for you when they struck down the Chevron act of 40 years ago..
  16. CUT FEDERAL FUNDING FOR ANY SCHOOL PUSHING CRITICAL RACE THEORY, RADICAL GENDER IDEOLOGY, AND OTHER INAPPROPRIATE RACIAL, SEXUAL, OR POLITICAL CONTENT ON OUR CHILDREN - but hey bibles and commandments are cool- thats not pushing an agenda ! maybe they can hold up the poster with the commandments when a person with an assault rifle comes to the next school.... 
  17. KEEP MEN OUT OF WOMEN'S SPORTS - good god  - stick to stuff that you don't know how to do ... 
  18. DEPORT PRO-HAMAS RADICALS AND MAKE OUR COLLEGE CAMPUSES SAFE AND PATRIOTIC AGAIN - yea please we love the constitution excpet that FREE Speech thing when we dont agree with what someone else says ...
  19. SECURE OUR ELECTIONS, INCLUDING SAME DAY VOTING, VOTER IDENTIFICATION, PAPER BALLOTS, AND PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP -  ok - register everyone at age 18 and give then a voter registration ID .  maybe take a lesson from England and France on elections... 
  20. UNITE OUR COUNTRY BY BRINGING IT TO NEW AND RECORD LEVELS OF SUCCESS - oh yea - that - but we will tell you how we are gonna do that in 2 weeks - right after the new healthcare plan, and the new budget and in two weeks - everything will be told !! 

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