Sunday, September 25, 2022

Music Sunday -

 Do you walk around humming songs in your head ,,, or singing them right out loud ??

Is there one that get stuck in your head,, and it seems that when your brain has nothing else to do - it harkens back to that song ??

what song is that ???  well you don;t need to answer .... I'll go first. One of the "DST Lunch lounge themes in the past weeks was RAIN .... Songs, Lyrics, band names that had the word RAIN or talked of RAIN...

SO - one of the ones that I thought of was an OLD SONG - by a guy you might not even know named Brook Benton - and Rainy Night in Georgia ... this song from 1970 ... oh my god....

Brook passed in 1988 from pneumonia after having spinal meningitis left him very weak,, he was just 56.

Another Theme was Sailing ... I went with David Grey and Sail Away...

Local artists was another - How about Mary Fahl from Rockland County...

this is an October Project song - Return to Me

Finally the Theme was Piano players..

Here is my suggestion - Tori Amos.with a Nirvana Song as only Tori can....

Smells Like Teen Spirit,

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