Wednesday, December 21, 2022

...... If you can keep it.

 A quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin on September 18, 1787 the last day of the Constitutional Convention,,,  “A lady asked Dr. Franklin  "Well .... Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy" 

 – "A republic" replied the Doctor "if you can keep it.” 

The J6 Committee has referred the Former POTUS to the DOJ - thats the Department of justice - for Criminal prosecution.   and , while it has gotten a fair amount of Press coverage, I have to tell you that  this - as we have seen with many many things that surround the former POTUS is kinda a no big surprise...  OK - think back to say 10 - 12 years ago - at a time before Trump//  IF a past president was referred to the DOJ for Criminal charges everyone would be losing their minds !!  Remember Watergate... Remember the Bush Iran Contra Scandal..   but I think this shows you the level that we are used to from Trump , that we kinda just say ...  Ahhh that Crazy olde trump...  But in coming years this investigation, the Summary issued by the Congressional panel, and the involvement of the POTUS, his immediate staff , lawyers, advisers, some senators, Congressman, rival what even Nixon was up to with the Watergate scandal.  

I am not the 1st or even the 1000th person to say this,, but if NO incitement's come of this,,, then we can't be surprised when it all happens again,,, and maybe next time it will succeed in overturning an election,, and that will be the end of the Democracy and the Republic as we know it...


The 2nd piece of news is the House Ways and Means committee is going to release the last 6 years of Trumps tax returns... that he - Trump - has tried to keep secret since way back in 2015....  

The Republicans say  that this sets a bad president for the future that anyones tax return can be made public,,, Senators, Congressman and even Supreme Court Justices....  two things about this..

1) the Republicans saw fit to use their majority in the Final days of the Trump presidency to approve Supreme court justice Amy Barret even thought Moscow Mitch said that during the Obama Administration - that a year before his term ended that that year was way to close to the next  election to Confirm or even vote on Garland's nomination, but had no problem voting in Barrett even as votes were being counted that would eventually UN Elect Trump..   NOW the GOP is pissed that the Democrats are using their power in the last weeks of their majority in the House to release Trumps taxes.

2) I fail to see the Problem here,,, Why not make it that if you are going to run for public office and/or serve in the government , WE the People know who is paying you ... we know where you are invested.. what businesses,, what countries,,  where do you have loans from that may compromise your voting position...  Make it a LAW  !! that way no Political Party would have that power - it would just be the Norm....

and in the Summary we have seen so far - Trump pays NO TAX... he carries huge Debts forward year to year to offset his taxable burden - and where he says he donates money to organization there is no specific of that donation(s) , where you and I have to have receipts of our small donations to SPCA, Veteran organizations , etc etc.... HE should have to show proof of those donations... 


SO - we wait for the Incitement's to be handed down. The DOJ, Special Counsel Jack Smith,

and Merrick Garland - DO YOUR DAMN JOBS ! 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Quik observations about livin in the South....

 While I knew it was warmer /  different here,...  I was not ready for 

- Flowers blooming next to Christmas decorations &  lights

- Folks moving their lawns in Mid December

- the fact that Red lights and speed limits are  merely suggestions

- Turn signals are a sign of Weakness

- There are things - packages meats and Poultry - in the Meat store that I have no clue what they are / where on the Cow / Pig they come from nor what you do to prepare them...  and Chicken Feet !!  HUH 

- The Truth is that there are no more Confederate flags there than in NY

- You do see that the Confederate Veterans adopt highways for Clean up.... we do remember that these were the folks that tried to destroy  the country --right  ??

- Purchasing a gun - hand gun or Shotgun or Rifle is Really easy....

- I could get away with wearing shorts every day (so far) 


Friday, December 16, 2022

The good news

  Let's deal with this 1st -  and just move along if you ar sick of all the Political stuff..

On Wednesday - Dump says that he has a major announcement coming the next day,...  and the speculation os that he is 1) dropping out of the Presidential race 2) he names a running mate , 3) he is going to go after the House Speaker seat....  and guess what NONE of these and any other guesses were even fucking close ......  his Latest grift - thats GRIFT- not GIFT...  is that he is selling Trump NFT cards - Lie  baseball cards - only not hard copy NFT ...   ,, just images of himself - thats not surprising !!  and I gotta ask are you people really that gullible - that dumb! that you would send - this so called Billionaire - more of YOUR money ! 

Here is the announcement,,,  and yea - Totally photo-shopped or Cartoon that the Blob like Urine soaked Cheeto man thinks  he looks like......   I mean seriously - what  CON Man - that he thinks / knows that there are people that will PAY him for this !!


The trump organization is found guilty - by a JURY - of 17 counts of Tax Fraud.

Trump loses an appeal  on the Special Master to oversee the Documents he stole from the government

Trump Lawyers find more classified documents at another property of his in Florida,, and we can talk about WHY it's his Lawyers looking for them - after they certified in writing  that all had been retuned.

Herschel Walker loses bid to be a Senator from Georgia- and we can discuss later why 48% of the Georgia voters look at him as a good candidate for Senator. 

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Sunday Sunday,,, ...

 World Cup news,,,,,

Group B :

US needs to WIN their match  against Iran to advance...   A tie or loss and they are OUT ! 

Group  C is the other one that I am watching: 

Poland Has a tough final match .vs Argentina... If they beat Argentina - they win the Group.  If they Draw they might not win the group , but they will advance.  SO Poland needs to WIN or TIE to ensure advancing 

 If they lose - the need to have the Saudias lose to Mexico to  advance... IF the SA ties Mexico and Poland loses then it will come down to Goal Differential - so Lots still up in the air in Group C ...


The former POTUS , hosts a Dinner at Mar-a logo.. with  White nationalist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes and rapper Kanye West  this week, demonstrating his continued willingness to associate with figures who have well-publicized antisemitic views as he embarks on another White House run.  And I do not hear any or so very few Republicans condemning this,,,  

I DO NOT KNOW why the GOP has such a hard time condemning Anti-Semites and Nazis. Seems like a no Brainer to me,,,but what do I know.... 


The Aaron Judge Sweepstakes continue ....  I know that the Dodgers say they are interested,,, and maybe the Mets... I believe it comes to 2 choices.... GIANTS  or YANKEES...  it will be a massive contract either way ,,,   so far in his career he has made Approx 36 Million dollars...   bet cha that the next contract is more like $36 Million per year / probably more....   Mike Trout's contract is $35 million per ,, so Judge will be looking for more.... Now ,, let's not go down the path of how much money does one person need,,,, He is one of the TOP Players in MLB.. he deserves to be paid what the market will pay...  He is the face of the Yankees if not the face of MLB (along with a few,, very few others) ,,, look around the stadium,, or just walking around in NY.. how may Jerseys & T-shirts have his name on them ??    I will tell you that - the times I dod go to the games this year..........  either 99 or 2 are on the back of most of the shirts,,,


Trump taxes... the former POTUS - even though he lost his bid with the Supreme court to have his taxes withheld from the Congress - he essentially won....  he delayed the process to the point that the Democrat's will only have the Majority for maybe a month - to do any ting with them. will they release them or leak them to the Public??? That would seems vindictive,, but this is TRUMP ...  and they have been waiting for years,, like since 2018 for them... maybe they should summarize them....  Listen - Presidential Tax returns are reviewed / Audited - so what cam of those audits while he WAS President ?? were there adjustments made ?    If they decide to summarize them : AKA - his total income , his debts and to WHO ?? What did he pay in taxes...   NOW - it would say something about our current tax structure - when a Billionaire (if he really is) can work the tax system so the he pays nothing !!! This might actually get us to a Flat Tax Scenario - or at least to getting the top 1% of the Money holders to Pay their share of TAX !!

Here is couple for Sunday ...  

A  old song fromJohn Prine - It's a Big Old Goofy World - off 1991's LP 

"The Missing Years" 

And a Chapin Song  - off Heads and Tails.... it's 50 years old !!

That is Steve Chapin on Guitar,  (big) John Wallace on bass, Kim Scholes on Viola, 


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Why ??? Why does this happen in the US ??

At least 6 people were killed in a shooting at a Walmart in Virginia, officials say. The shooter is also dead.

Suspect in Colorado Springs shooting at an LGBTQ Club slated to appear in Court, 

I think there are few very understandable reasons that the US has more and more of these mass shooting events.... 

#1 - Obvious - we have more people that own guns,,, and more guns are available to anyone and everyone... Come on ,, how can this not be  factor... 

#2 - More and more lately the political rhetoric has radicalized these lone wolf type assailants. The more hate talk - the more that one side demonizes the other them more you are gonna have someone that thinks that killing others will solve what they see as "the Problem" ...   IMHO - we are not far away from an assassination of a Politician... Senator,  Representative.  Judge,,, someone is going to get killed,,   these people these days have guards following them and their families around...  think of that ,, seems like something that you hear about in a 3rd world country ... Not in the US.... But since the former POTUS got into the game - he has worked to Demonize his opponents -  he has used hate speak to do it... and he and the followers  in his Cult are at least part responsible for this .....   

Today more than ever - you cannot have a discussion of politics,,,  there is no more compromise in the system, its MY Way or nothing,,,  YOU are not allowed  different opinion....  and I think that mush of that is driven by the fact that we are not both dealing from a position of Truth, FACTS.... actual Truth - not Trump Truth (Lies) ......

Friday, November 18, 2022

and Away we go................

 1st - let me say that a message is being sent by the DOJ and the Attorney General Merrick Garland...

That Message??? - that if you are rich and can afford many many  Lawyers are above the law.  There are two sets of laws in this  country - those for the RICH and those for the rest of us...  Garland needs to Indite and arrest the Former POTUS ... he got a Judge to sign a search warrant and found what they were looking for... there  has to be consequence for stealing Government secrets... and every day that goes by  shows that there  IS the  double standard that we all thought existed ,, I do not give a flying Fuck of he is running for president....  why do think he announced this earlier than any candidate EVER /??  cause he thinks it will shield him ...  and IF he is indicted,,he can say - "see - they are trying to stop me "  

#2 - the Republicans have said that they are going to use their power to issue subpoenas and lead these oversight committee to investigate Hunter Biden and the Biden Family..  I think it hilarious... that this is their agenda.... no word of any legislation that they want tp put forward.... Nope. nothing on helping the people of the US with Inflation, Drug Cost, Gas prices, Crime, etc etc....  nope -   I think we know who will really be running  House for the next next two years  - the former POTUS - he has say 6-10 members that are that far up his ass,,,, so that they will be taking direction from him,,, as we know they do not have an intelligent thought on their own.... not that he has that many either... So it should be great watching this Shit show for the next two years.... Then in 2024 the Democrats can do what Clinton did in to be reelected to his 2nd term - he attacked the Fact that the GOP had done nothing.. their Contract with America was in shambles, and hell I think that in 2 years Newt Gingrich was out of politics all together  that is how bad it was for them... Then Barack Obama did the same in running for his  2nd term,,, in Both examples - the GOP held one or Both houses of Congress....

Oh - and one more comment on the Dumpo speech the other night...  he stated that he liked theChina policy of Immediate Justice for Drug Dealers..... trial in the morning and Execution in the afternoon... SWIFT Justice  !!! None of this blocking witnesses,, and endless appeals to challenge  the Courts ,, thus avoiding court cases for years and years - yea right ,, who the hell does that sound like !>!?!?

Thursday, November 17, 2022

And here we Go again .........

 #1 - The DOJ - Merrick Garland - have to act,,,they need to indite him . PERIOD... Maybe he thinks that by running for President he can escape being arrested.....  and I know he knows that being elected will keep him out of Jail....

I honestly believe that we are witnessing the end of Trumpism.....  even he knows that the Many many in the GOP are looking to get away from him...........  The Midterm elections just proved that he does not have the influence that he once did... many of the Candidates he backed -  LOST....

I am Surprised he announced that he is running--- because there are many federal elections laws  (not that he ever gave a shit about laws) these laws require accounting for donations received,, you cant just funnel money into your personal accounts and businesses.... 

Before I start ,,, let me says that those in the Congress could get rid of him .....  While there is still a Democratic Majority,,, let the Republicans work with the Dems.... and pass a law that states that a requirement to running for the Office of President will require that the Candidate release the last 4 years of their tax returns.   That should do it,,, cause he will NEVER do that  !! 

Ok -- so while i did not watch the Speech the other night - I did see some of it....  very dull...... you could see people trying to leave before the Speech was over,, but they were stopped for exiting,,, saying that it was for security reasons,,,,, hey - they just did not want the Visual of folks streaming out the doors - while the urines soaked cheeto man was still talking -errrr LYING !

1) The Oceans are predicted to rise 10+ inches in the next 30 years ,,, NOT 1/8 " in 300 years,,, and oh - thats  from the Pentagon data....

2) The price of Turkeys is up - yep between 7 and 10 % over last year,,,, NOT 300 % - and at least my look at my local Walmarts - had tons of Turkeys of evert variety ...

3) HE did not preside over Decades and Decades of a County with NO wars... I mean even of you use one of he  DECADE claims - thats TEN fucking years,,, and he was only the POTUS for 4  !!!

4) “Perhaps the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country, where we lost lives, left Americans behind and surrendered $85 billion worth of the finest military equipment anywhere in the world,” Trump said.  OK- we did leave some - the Pentagon,,,, remember them - said approx $7 Billion

5) Trump claimed his administration “filled up” the Strategic Petroleum Reserve but it has now been “virtually drained” by the Biden administration.

Facts First: Both parts of Trump’s claim are false. He didn’t fill up the reserve, and the reserve is not “virtually drained.”

7) Drump claimed that Chinese leader Xi Jinping had told him that China has no “drug problem” at all because of its harsh treatment of drug traffickers. Trump then repeated the claim himself, saying, “if you get caught dealing drugs in China you have an immediate and quick trial, and by the end of the day, you are executed. That’s a terrible thing, but they have no drug problem.”

And while Trump solely credits harsh punishments for what he claims is China’s success in handling drugs, the Chinese government also touts its rehabilitation, education and anti-poverty efforts.

8) On the US Documents HE stole.....  “Obama took a lot of things with him,” Trump said.

Facts First: This is false – as the National Archives and Records Administration pointed out in August when Trump previously made this claim. Though Trump claimed that Obama had taken millions of records to Chicago, NARA explained in a public statement that it had itself taken these records to a NARA-managed facility in the Chicago area – which is near where Obama’s presidential library will be located. It said that, as per federal law, “former President Obama has no control over where and how NARA stores the Presidential records of his Administration.”

9)  He said: “We were $1.87 a gallon for gasoline, and now it’s sitting five, six, seven and even eight dollars, and it’s gonna go really bad.”

Facts First: This is so misleading that we’re classifying it as inaccurate. While the price of a gallon of regular gas did briefly fall to $1.87 (and lower) during the depths of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the national average for regular gas on Trump’s last day in office, January 20, 2021, was much higher than that – $2.393 per gallon, according to data provided to CNN by the American Automobile Association. And while there are some remote gas stations where prices are always much higher than the national average, the national average Tuesday is $3.759, per AAA

10) “The worst gangs are MS-13. And under the Barack Hussein Obama administration, they were unable to take them out. Because their countries where they came from wouldn’t take them,” Trump said from Mar-a-Lago.

Facts First: It’s not true that, as a rule, Guatemala and Honduras wouldn’t take back their citizens during Obama’s administration.

11) “We built the wall, and now we will add to it. Now, we built the wall – we completed the wall – and then we said let’s do more, and we did a lot more. And we did a lot more. And as we were doing it, we had an election that came up. And when they came in, they had three more weeks to complete the additions to the wall, which would’ve been great, and they said no, no, we’re not going to do that,” he said.

Facts First: It’s not even close to true that Trump “completed” the border wall.

AND Mexico DID NOT PAY for the Wall !!

Ok - thats enough LIES for yoday...

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The LAST word... maybe

 In what maybe the last word on the Mid - Terms ....

The Attorney Generals that Dumpo endorsed LOST ! ya - get to that for a minute,

 Finchem in Arizona - yep a 2020- election denier also = LOST !

Marchant in Nevada - LOST !

Karamo - in Michagan - LOST !

And if you are not aware the Secretary of State essentially runs the State Elections... so that these state,,, and oh yea Georgia reelected Raffensperger - the guy that would not "Find" 11,800 votes for trumop in 20202. so that those state elections will not be fucked with in 2024..


Now - I stopped even looking at FOX entertainment , even to just see what nonsense they were reporting,, BUT - I could not resist -,,,, So when CNN, MSNBC , Et Al were covering the Arizona Governors  race outcome for Hobbs over Lake (Lake was the Dump endorsed candidate) that FOX has been pumping for Weeks,,,, was FOX covering that outcome - NOPE !! they were talking about how Stacey Abrahams did not support blacks in Georgia,... (how laughable is that) and on theior WEB page - where they featured Lake nearly every day in the past week or so - the Hobbs win was down on line 20  !!!  What ASSHOLES !!


Ok - so it will be at least interesting in the run off race between Warnock and Walker in Georgia -  Walker was a great Running back in football,,,, but he could not find a Logical sentence with both hands and a flashlight...

take his quote on  the Inflation  Reduction act -   Inflation Reduction Act doesn’t help Americans because “a lot of money, it’s going to trees” and “we have enough trees

,,,claiming inflation affects women more than men because “they gotta buy groceries,” 

He has falsely claimed to have a Law enforcement background and he wwas an FBI agent  !  - HE DOES  and WAS NOT ! 

That he graduated at the TOP of his class - NOPE - did not even graduate !

He threatened his former girlfriend with a Gun,,  and funded an Abortion for her,,, and tried to fund a 2nd one,... 

and he said that the "United Stated was the Greatest country in the US"...  HUH 

and this is the Guy that you want voting on Major legislation ,,,, and Representing you in Georgia ???  Seriously - 

Monday, November 14, 2022

No Message , NO ideas,,, and little else....

 I think the GOP learned that you need to stand for something,,, Voting against Aid For Ukraine,, Against a fixed dollar amount for insulin, Against an Anti Inflation bill... against , against, against,....  What are your ideas to fix any thing ??? If you have them ,,, I aint heard them....

You campaigns that wanted to take away a women's right to chose ,,,,  and you thought that Women would take this  ???  You worked to limit voting ... and limit it by racial groups, with people of color the most affected.  and whoa,, what a big surprise that you have learned that the Younger voters  --  voted against you ..... you want to do away with the 26th amendment , that give the right to vote to those that are 18 years old ....  this done during  a war that was sending these men, and women to war ,, but denied them the right to vote...  this is totally ironic,, as you think that a 10 , 12 14 year old is mature enough to carry a baby to term , even if that was from incest or rape .... but that same person is not mature enough to vote.... and you wonder why these people do not support you !!1 ASSHOLE ! 

Did I already say that Desantis and Dump will destroy each other in the GOP primaries,, and IF Desantis wins the nomination,,, dump will not take this lying down,,, he will burn the house down before he loses to Desanctiminous.... he wont care that he destroys the GOP .. hell its mostly destroyed any way....  this split ticket essentiall will give the Democrat candidate the Win in 2024..


Sunday, November 13, 2022

Happy Birthday DAYS !!!

 A few that were last week !!!  Couple of examples of just how great these two women are......

Susan Tedeschi turned 52 years old ....  here is I Pity the Fool !!

And Bonnie Raitt - is 72

RED WAVE............... NOT !!!


hummmmmm,.  Imagine being a FOX News - Ulta MAGA-Idiot and waiting for this to occur...

Well - wow - the RED wave - or  RED Tsunami !! Coming ......  well it's gonna have to wait a few year...

Maybe one of the biggest mid term disappointments took place this year at the polls .... the Democrats retained control of the Senate ,, and yes ,,lost some house seats,... but over all - it was a dumping of the Trump backed candidates, and in general the Election deniers.....  it was a larger turnout than expected - which historically - bodes well for Democrats over Republicans.  Dis they really think that Women were just gonna go away -  take their right s being taken away lying down! I guess not - and now we know that the demographics show a younger voter presence much larger than expected  when they see  WTF the GOP is talking about,,, they see them fucking up the Government and the Country ..... so that the majority voted with the Democrats,,, That most people understood that what Republicans stand for (if they even have a stance) is NOT what the Majority of the Country thinks.....   So now - with the Senate still under the Democrats,,, and IF Warnock wins Georgia over that Illiterate Walker - the Dems won't even have to worry about One Vote Manchin to derail what they want to pass.....  and it should be high entertainment watching the GOP Representatives tear each other apart ......

That voters turned away from the candidates that the Former POTUS endorsed I think means one thing. the GOP - WILL NOT want him - DUMPO - as their Candidate in 2024..although I think that Ron  De-Sanctimonious - yep that was Dumpos title for him looks like the Front runner right now - I am betting that if/When the GOP has De-Sanctimonious as their candidate - that Dumpo - will run as an independent  - thus splitting the GOP voters,,,and giving the 2024 Presidential election to the Democrats.....   


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Advertising & Baseball

 All right - now enough needs to be enough,,,,I hate - yea thats a strong word - but  I Hate the look of todays baseball stadiums.... there are ads on essentially every Square foot of the Outfield walls, the space in between the decks, the are above the outField wall - Minus the Batters eye areas- heck I even see that stadiums - Like Fenway and Dodge stadium to just say a couple - others have done the same - they added bill board above the Stands in the outfield to sell advertisement space.

here is present day Yankee Stadium.. just so you don't think I'm picking on the Dodgers and Red sox. 

It's awful in my opinion.....  and TV broadcasts are worse- and they now have to technology to impose an image where there is not really one there,,, AKA the back side of the pitchers mound...

Seriously - how long before this is added to the Infield  dirt and / or the Outfield grass - even if they just do it between pitches,,,, and speaking of inbetween the action -  MLB is taking a page from NASCAR - that they (NASCAR)  think the Feature of NASCAR NON STOP means that they show you the Race During the Commercials - I take that as Showing me Commercials during the GD race - and now  - MLB broadcast are sicking ads in the middle of at bats,,, when the batter steps or the catcher goes to talk to the pitcher and again when a new hitter is coming up....  - they split the screen and run a 10 -15 second AD - I mean are you fucking kidding me !   

Now - I get that stations - some owned by the TEAM- pay for the rights to air games,,, and count on advertising dollars to off set that cost -  but where does it stop - Ads on Bases - Uniforms....  the more high profiler the payer the more the Banner on his back costs,,,,  Aaron Judge - is in Pepsi ads - so they then impose that Decal on his uniform back superimposed over the  99 ???  PEPSI is added down the legs of his uniform......  might seem far fetched right now...  but - and I'm going back a ways for this picture ,,, but only a couple of ads - GEM and Ballantine  above the Seats and Nothing on the actual outfield wall.... or on the levels between the decks.... 

this new ad trend is out of control - and needs to STOP ..... 


Oh Really ???

 The Jan 6th Committee has subpoenaed the Urine soaked Orange asshole to testify before them,,,He wrote some 14 page letter to them in response..... and for guy who says he has nothing to hide.... I am wondering why...   

Listen - come testify. You pick the time duration... ..  We ( I am using me and the Committee)  has to be 2 hours or more.... we will do it on prime time,, (we know you love the exposure) - No taking the 5th - this ain't court of law - Questions and Answers will be limited to say - 3 minutes 

...  IMHO they should agree to whatever - I guess there is a limit to that - but don;t let his say that the Committee was to blame for him not showing up.  I do not think he can stand up to 2 , 3 , 4 hours of Testimony without going completely off the rails...  he thinks he is so fucking smarter than everyone ,,, come show us... do it with no Legal rep  (aka Lawyers) if you dare..... So we watch you contradict what you have said in the past....   Can't wait to see how this plays out..

I hate to do it,,,, but MTG did a Debate with Marcus Flowers who she is running against.... she said a few crazy things..... 1) she was a victim of the Jan 6th assault on the Capital - Really - this was I think her 3rd  day...  this was in response to Flowers calling her an insurrectionist...  What I found interesting is that she called it  a RIOT - after  others said it was similar to a Guided tour of the Capital . Now she will win reelection as that area of Georgia is 60 - 70 Republican ... so a St Bernard could defeat a democrat there....  Second point - she said that her Husband - umm he is divorcing her - has  proof of Election Fraud...   "There was election fraud in the 2020 election, and my husband has the proof!" OH Really ???  If that was True - why has it not been shown before  ??? Why did you not leave the debate - and stand in front of what would be ALL the Media in this country and present what he has ....  Why has he not come forward on his own- as is his responsibility  as a citizen - to show us the Proof he has...  I'll tell you why - ITS A FUCKING LIE !!!  A LIE - you can repeat it and repeat it ... and Repeat it...  but IT's a LIE ! and you Ms.Empty G  are a LIAR .... 


Saturday, October 15, 2022

again,,, and again

 seems that once again the Yankees have a team that is built to win in the regular season,, but not the  post season...  They scored right at 50% of their runs via the home run,,,  and for the most part - because you face better pitchers in the playoffs #1,,,, and #2 - teams do not let their starters hang around for a 3rd and 4th time thru the line up = you see the better relievers...  so that equates to less home runs,,,   

ok - there is still at minimum  two more games to play.... in Cleveland,,, win them both and get a day off - then travel to Houston (or Seattle - NOT) to play in the ALCS.  Split and travel back to NY to play a winner takes all GAME 5 - Yankees have Severino .vs Guardians McKenzie....   then in Game 4 it's Cole .vs the Undecided - and I wonder if the yankees change up Cole to Game a potential Game 5 IF they win today...... and start Tallion ion Game 4 - he threw 18 pitches yesterday, gave up 2 runs on three hits,,, and did not record an Out.... I will say that for the most part - starters do not do well coming ion as a Reliever.... Hard to ask someone that started all year... 32 Starts - to then come in as a reliever,, ok - its to start the inning,, but still not what they're 100% used to doing...

The Astros (read that as CHEATERS) are up 2 games to none on Seattle - gotta believe they win that series today or tomorrow ,, and go home to await either NY or Cleveland....

Surprisingly - the Padres lead the Dodgers 2 to 1 ,, and can close out the Series today at home in San Diego.

Same for the Phillies - they lead Atlanta 2 games to 1 and can win that series today also.... 

elimination games are always great as you have the possibility of one team going home...  If they can both get to a Game 5 - thats even better - as its Winner takes all,,, loses goes to play golf till Spring Training...

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

What did I see Ray ???

 Check for Binoculars, radios and Garbage cans,,,, ..

I'm telling you ,, once cheaters - always  cheaters...  Astros......   

and let me say that I at least thought about,,, even though I did not hear the announcers bring it up...  You are teh underdog,,, on the road against the best team in the AL... you gotta do something crazy.... 

You got one of your best Pitchers in the game,,,,  ok - 1st and second,,,  - third base is open ... listen if you would have walked Alveraz if 1st base was open - then you should walk him - as 3rd base IS OPEN .....   Alveraz is already 2 for 4,.... yes,, you are putting the Winning run on base,,, but you are also setting up  force at ANY base,,,  I would have walked him..  They bring in a guy that is a starter,,,  and poof - the game, the series - probably is now over,,,, you are down 1 game to zero - and have to win 3 of 4 ... Ain't gonna happen...  See you - the Mariners -  in Spring training....

- we have entered once again the Realm of the unthinkable....   a tv - not news show host  - airs a voice mail conversation between a Father and son - where the Father tells the son he loves him... and that he needs to get help for his addiction....  it is meant to make the Father look bad...  and the son look bad... Forget for a fuck minute that this is the President of the US, and his son....  Sean Hanity has once again proven to be a despicable human, and a living walking piece of SHIT... 

#2 - I saw a slice of another not news host  saying this....  If you want more  abortions ( a women right to choose) ,, If you want more Drugs (the Federalization of LEGAL  Pot Laws) ... Porn (No restriction on Open WEB ,.. and first amendment rights) and More Hearing on January 6th - (hopefully leading to an indictment, and arrest of the Former Potus ) then you should vote Democratic....   YEA -  that is exactly what I want !!  So - perfect - thanks for pointing that out !!! 

Monday, October 10, 2022

Lowest denominator ETC

 We are driven to discuss and focus on , what is these days,, the Lowest Possible denominator...

The Lauren Boborts ,, the MTG, Matt Gates, Paul Gosar....I'm sure that they have their Democratic counterparts.... but we constantly read stores about these assholes..  and why,,, they are smart enough (cause no one can be this stupid) to keep them selves in the news,,,, they make statements that they know the news can't help but carry,, and re-quote them,, and show their photos,,, this I believe is similar to other performers.. Madonna,  the Kardashians - those types... they did and do outrageous things, so that they stay current... they make people cover them... they know what they are doing...   Maybe it it time to at least spend the same time and energy on the other part of humanity - the TOP half instead of the bottom half....   Just sayin,,

We have been in the South now for 4 months......  not that long huh,,,, but things are different here..  A) it is difficult to find many people ,,,  specially older folks that are from HERE...  everyone came here from elsewhere....  mostly up North - - Like us !   The nurse at my DR is the only person that I can think of that sad she was born and raised here,,, damn near right here,... B) Yes - its hot and humid  (it was) every day in June July , August and into September,.. only now is it beginning to get really nice... C) i'd say - folks here do not drive very well,,, but remember - most of them are NOT from here...... D) people calling you Honey, Baby, Darling, Sweetie,,, is normal... I think it is at times a derogatory term...  but most of the time I think they really are trying to be nice.... E)  

Let's talk about the Mets for a second,,,, now I do not follow them near at all,,, not the way the Redsox fans follow the yankees....  but - they did win 101 games this year..... they had - had a 10 1/2 game lead in the NL East over the Braves....   yes ,,they lost the season series to Atlanta - so when Atlanta tied them - yup the Mets lost a 10 1/2 game lead - so when the Braves tied them for the NL east lead - Atlanta won the East and the Mets ended up being the 4th seed - and had to play the Wild card Series.... now as the 4th seed they got the 3 games at HOME - Citi Field - over the Padres that were the 5th Seed at 89 and 73... I think the Padres knew coming into the Series that they would face Both Scherzer and de Grom... and they had to beat one of them to win the Series..... and damn if they did not beat Scherzer - putting 7 runs on 7 hits against him in 4.2 innings,.... while they held the Mets to 1 run on 7 hits,,, then the mets won with deGrom - no surprise ,,,, bu then Game 3 - the Mets were shutout on a ONE HITTER - they only had 2 base runners a walk and that one hit !!  Just like that - Whoosh ,,,,,  your season is OVER  !! 101 wins meaningless - ...... So yankees and yankee fans beware !!! Even though the Yanks have a better record than the Guardians,,, won 5 of the 7 head to head games agains the guardians,,,, it can all go away in a flash - don't even be looking ahead to Houston (if that is who wins that series) Focus on the task at hand and win game one,,, Scheerzer DID NOT pitch like the guy the Mets thought they signed,,, Let's see If COLE does....  this is a Dangerous best of 5 .... Winning GAME ONE is imperative !!

Sunday, October 2, 2022

#3 - a Little Morning music

 Let's hear from a band out of Detroit Michigan,,,  the Raconteurs  - Steady as she goes....

The Tedeschi Trucks band started their week long concert series at the Beacon Theater..

here is THE STORM  from Mountain Jam.....

If you are a NASCAR fan - you notice this guy - Marcus King - 

doing a self edited version of The WELL as an opening to all the Races Series...

We're Talking Baseball.....

  Let me say that despite what Aaron Judge and Aaron Boone say about pitchers not pitching to Judge - they are doing exactly that....  in all the plate appearances that I have seen,, and that most of them going back to the Boston Series,  Teams - Loston and Baltimore have nothing to play for ! NOTHING ..... but yet they won't - for the most part challenge him - now  a few have,, but you can can see - they are throwing him crap - High and Fast ,,, Low and away- and not even low and away to the point of being a pitch that you might swing at,,, I am talking ankle high in the other batters box.... it's pretty disgusting,... 

Judge - to his credit - is taking all the walks that they will give him ....

Playoffs are nearly here,,,, Houston (cheaters) are going to be the 1st seed in the AL as the Dodgers are in the NL ... #2 in the AL will be NY (so they and the Astros get a 1st round bye) ... and in the NL - right now it's either the Braves or the Mets,...  with the team that does not win the Division playing the Padres (I think) in the Wild card series,,, but at least as the 4th seed they get all three games at home (Atlanta or NY)_ ..

The Yankees have some hard playoff roster choices to make....How many starters do you want for the Division series..

 I'm going with  4 - Cole, Severino, Cortes, and Tallion,,,  German and Montas are the Odd men out 

DO you take Chapman in the Bullpen ?  

how about Hicks ????   Can Carpenter play -  ??  Is LeMahieu OK ?? 

Obvious :


























That is 24 - so You either get another Pitcher or another Fielder - 

If Carpenter is healthy - it's him,,,, if not Chapman

Make it make sense

 In the same week that Republicans from the state of Florida called for FEMA help and Federal Dollars to aid in the Relief of victims and the devastation fo hurricane Ian in Florida ,,,,  they voted AGAINST a bill  that included an $18.8 billion fund for the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help states with natural disasters.........  Ummm what ???

Not to make it political but,,, the Now Gov of Florida , then a member of Congress voted against a Hurricane relief bill that gave help to victims of Hurricane Sandy in the tri-State area ! 

TO his Credit - the Current POTUS - called the Florida Governor  , and is giving full FEMA , and Federal dollars to aid Florida,,, he is NOT - Like the former POTUS did , with holding aid to the state because the GOV is a different party than the POTUS ..... 

this week - a FOX entertainment host - interviewed Ted Koppel and a few things happened...

Koppel called out FOX and Hannity as being Bad for America.... He - Koppel  - said that is because Hannity is very good at what he does - and has  "attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts."  Hannity said in the interview that Ted was not giving the American people credit for knowing the difference between an Opinion show and a News Show -  Hannity count son people NOT KNOWING the Difference !!!  an Opinion show is  - I can say what ever the fuck I want - and it does not need to be or even tied to the TRUTH ! and a News show has to be True ....  Now Hannity did a piece on his own show - that started down the - hey they only want to show / Edit that part of the interview and not show the 45 minute interview in it's entirety - now I say it started down that path but Hannity quickly went down teh WHATABOUTISM part - what about this CBS host ,, and that CBS HOST ...  even to the point that within that 7 minute , what I guess was to be a discussion of EDITED FAKE news - he even manages to bring in Obama's Economic numbers,,, and Hillary Clinton - like that has anything to do with Ted Koppel  !!!  and OF course - he NEVER EVER discusses what Koppel said about Truth and Ideology .....  of course not.....  ASSHOLE !


Thursday, September 29, 2022

IAN - coming to a town near us......


Witness to History

 now ---- the Avid Yankee Haters are not the ones that are impressed by what you have witnessed ....

Aaron Judge ties Roger Maris with 61 home runs,,, the most ever hit in the American League... I will leave the discussion of who is the True Home run king for another day.... 

I expect that Judge will hit at least one more in the next 7 games....    

I am trying to think of what I saw as a kid --- Mantle , Gibson, Koufax, Drysdale, Gossage, yes, Bonds,,, Mguire, Sosa, Reggie, Mattingly, Nolan Ryan, and then what you guys have witnessed :

Mariano - the all time saves leader and only unanimous player voted to the HOF

Jeter - an amazing career,

Pujols - hitting 700 Home runs,,, and I expect is the next unanimous HOF'er..

and now Aaron Judge- a guy we heard about in the Yankee organization for a few years,,, Remember ,,, Judge, Greg Bird (spose to be the best hitter of them all) and Gary Sanchez... Well - Bird got hurt , and was never the Same,,, Sanchez was great for season,, but his strikeouts and lack of defense made him impossible to keep....  and Judge - coming into his own....  with a huge Free Agent Contract coming from Some team!!  

Now he is 30 years old ,, not a Mike Trout that was I think 24 25 when he signed his last contract... however, i still expect Judge to get 8-10 years, and 30 - 40 million per year. I am just hoping that this is with the Yankees.... 

This guy learned from Jeter --- He listened to how Jeter spoke,,, and what he said,,, this not  phony,,,
He is all about the Team winning,,, it's why his team mates love him..  Last night he credited Hicks for getting on base in front of him,,, he then said he only wanted to help out Cole who was pitching a great game,,,  , cause the Jays just tied the game,,,,   he Kept private the conversation between himself and Roger Maris Jr,,.... and remember the other day when hit #60- and refuse the on filed interview by the YES reporter because Stanton hit that walk off Grand Slam ,,, he told the Reporter to go interview Stanton.... that's class. 

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Music Sunday -

 Do you walk around humming songs in your head ,,, or singing them right out loud ??

Is there one that get stuck in your head,, and it seems that when your brain has nothing else to do - it harkens back to that song ??

what song is that ???  well you don;t need to answer .... I'll go first. One of the "DST Lunch lounge themes in the past weeks was RAIN .... Songs, Lyrics, band names that had the word RAIN or talked of RAIN...

SO - one of the ones that I thought of was an OLD SONG - by a guy you might not even know named Brook Benton - and Rainy Night in Georgia ... this song from 1970 ... oh my god....

Brook passed in 1988 from pneumonia after having spinal meningitis left him very weak,, he was just 56.

Another Theme was Sailing ... I went with David Grey and Sail Away...

Local artists was another - How about Mary Fahl from Rockland County...

this is an October Project song - Return to Me

Finally the Theme was Piano players..

Here is my suggestion - Tori Amos.with a Nirvana Song as only Tori can....

Smells Like Teen Spirit,

Saturday, September 24, 2022

What a tangled web we weave..


"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" (Sir Walter Scott, 1808)..

yea - So there are no documents at Mara-Log-OH .....

Here are 15 Boxes that we HAD .

Oh - you think there are more,..

a Dump Lawyer signs a statement that there are no more 

Enter a Search Warrant issues by the FBI ... and signed off on by a Federal Judge.

They Seize  - I think the number was 33 - more boxes of Classified materials.  
Some folders that are empty ! so the National Archive is figuring out exactly what was in those folders.

You want a "Special Master" to review the Documents.. the wanna be judge grants the request. 
You Suggest several names,... the DOJ agrees to YOUR Choice for this special master.

The Special master - Judge Raymond Dearie - Tells the Former's team - that hey - you say these documents are unclassified - show me proof of that -  so I don't need to review those documents.
The Formers team says - no - we ain't doing that cause it might cause us LEGAL Harm down the road in a criminal prosecution... BUT we wanna see the Documents that the FBI the Found - Dearie says   - nope - you ain't got a need to know that information.   Then he tells them - you and your boy are going around telling everyone on that network that thinks you pretty - that the FBI planted evidence. SHOW me proof of that .... THE FBI has shown the inventory of the Documents that they got from Mar-a Logo...   Which ones did they plant and show proof of that by Sept 30th...  ummmmmmm so - you can LIE on TV .... you can LIE in the MEDIA ,,,, you can LIE on your Truth Account- where you Can't LIE - IS IN COURT !!

Now the FORMER thinks he can declassify - any and every document.   WHICH is NOT TRUE !
and he said “Different people say different things but as I understand it, if you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying it’s declassified, even by thinking about it.

“Because you’re sending it to Mar-a-Lago or wherever you’re sending it.

What is this some kinda Jedi mind trick....   These are not the documents that you zre looking for ...............  What BULL SHIT ! 

But hey - you  Trumplfucks just keep eating it up....

IF Garland has any balls at all - he needs to indict the The Orange Potato.

This web of Deceit and Attempted COUP ,,, and them working to infiltrate voting machines, and Steal documents is far more reaching than we ever imagined,,,,  there Must be accountability - and an arrest of the Former POTUS....

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Chasing history - ALL RISE !!!


ALL RISE !!!!!!!!

You are watching History being made right before your eyes....

Now - IF you are a Yankee Hater - and there are lots around,,,, you are not thrilled,,,, but if you are a yankee fan - or a baseball fan really - this is impressive,,,  Aaron Judge has 60 home runs - he has tied Babe Ruth for 2nd all time in the American League - Only Roger Maris is in front of him at 61... This morning he leads all of MLB by 20 Homers - .. and he is the leader in all three Triple Crown categories - Homers(60) , RBI's (128)  and Average (316) ....  

Do I think he will win a Triple crown - No I don't, that does not lessen this Historic season one bit. !   

Of all the seasons since they been doing this there have been only a few Triple crown guys ...  Let's look at the last 75 years.....  Williams, Mantle, Robinson, Yazstrzemski, and Cabrera  - that's it...  5 guys .... in 75 years.........  wanna go back farther...  To guys like Gehrig, Foxx, Cobb, Gibson, Hornsby....   27 since 1878....  So - yea this is not easy to do....  But hey we will see....

IF the guys in the running for the Three categories,,, play all the games,  take all their at Bats,,, Who ever wins - WINS... 

Judge is  8th - all time in Single Season homers - ...... with 15 games to go..... truly amazing...

Judge from a few years ago ....

Sunday, September 18, 2022

There's that. Just sayin

 It's at least possible that B.I.N.G.O. was the Farmers name  - not the Dogs !

IF history repeats itself  like they say - I am getting Dinosaur !

Barry Malilow - DID not write the Song - "I write the Songs"

The blob of toothpaste that sits on your toothbrush is called a “nurdle”

When you clean out the Vacuum Cleaner - YOU are the Vacuum cleaner.

Bananas are berries, but strawberries are not.

The technical term for “fear of long words” is “hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.” You can’t make this stuff up.

I care less ....   and I couldn't care less - they mean the same thing.

Why is FRESHWATER one word , but Salt Water two ??

Are people that take care of Chickens ,,,  Chicken Tenders?

If you own a vacuum cleaner that sucks, then it doesn't but if you own one that doesn't  - it pretty much does....

You can't stick your tongue out while breathing thru your mouth.

You just tried that last one ..... 

There is Fine line between a numerator and a Denominator... 

If you do the same thing  every day for 8 hours - they call you crazy,,, but if some one pays you for it -- they call it a JOB !

I know I spend a lot more time picking these songs, than you do listening to them...

Townes Van Zandt- Pancho and Lefty

Chris Stapleton

Linger - The Cranberries - Delores o'Riordon

I still miss someone...