Friday, November 18, 2022

and Away we go................

 1st - let me say that a message is being sent by the DOJ and the Attorney General Merrick Garland...

That Message??? - that if you are rich and can afford many many  Lawyers are above the law.  There are two sets of laws in this  country - those for the RICH and those for the rest of us...  Garland needs to Indite and arrest the Former POTUS ... he got a Judge to sign a search warrant and found what they were looking for... there  has to be consequence for stealing Government secrets... and every day that goes by  shows that there  IS the  double standard that we all thought existed ,, I do not give a flying Fuck of he is running for president....  why do think he announced this earlier than any candidate EVER /??  cause he thinks it will shield him ...  and IF he is indicted,,he can say - "see - they are trying to stop me "  

#2 - the Republicans have said that they are going to use their power to issue subpoenas and lead these oversight committee to investigate Hunter Biden and the Biden Family..  I think it hilarious... that this is their agenda.... no word of any legislation that they want tp put forward.... Nope. nothing on helping the people of the US with Inflation, Drug Cost, Gas prices, Crime, etc etc....  nope -   I think we know who will really be running  House for the next next two years  - the former POTUS - he has say 6-10 members that are that far up his ass,,,, so that they will be taking direction from him,,, as we know they do not have an intelligent thought on their own.... not that he has that many either... So it should be great watching this Shit show for the next two years.... Then in 2024 the Democrats can do what Clinton did in to be reelected to his 2nd term - he attacked the Fact that the GOP had done nothing.. their Contract with America was in shambles, and hell I think that in 2 years Newt Gingrich was out of politics all together  that is how bad it was for them... Then Barack Obama did the same in running for his  2nd term,,, in Both examples - the GOP held one or Both houses of Congress....

Oh - and one more comment on the Dumpo speech the other night...  he stated that he liked theChina policy of Immediate Justice for Drug Dealers..... trial in the morning and Execution in the afternoon... SWIFT Justice  !!! None of this blocking witnesses,, and endless appeals to challenge  the Courts ,, thus avoiding court cases for years and years - yea right ,, who the hell does that sound like !>!?!?

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