Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Advertising & Baseball

 All right - now enough needs to be enough,,,,I hate - yea thats a strong word - but  I Hate the look of todays baseball stadiums.... there are ads on essentially every Square foot of the Outfield walls, the space in between the decks, the are above the outField wall - Minus the Batters eye areas- heck I even see that stadiums - Like Fenway and Dodge stadium to just say a couple - others have done the same - they added bill board above the Stands in the outfield to sell advertisement space.

here is present day Yankee Stadium.. just so you don't think I'm picking on the Dodgers and Red sox. 

It's awful in my opinion.....  and TV broadcasts are worse- and they now have to technology to impose an image where there is not really one there,,, AKA the back side of the pitchers mound...

Seriously - how long before this is added to the Infield  dirt and / or the Outfield grass - even if they just do it between pitches,,,, and speaking of inbetween the action -  MLB is taking a page from NASCAR - that they (NASCAR)  think the Feature of NASCAR NON STOP means that they show you the Race During the Commercials - I take that as Showing me Commercials during the GD race - and now  - MLB broadcast are sicking ads in the middle of at bats,,, when the batter steps or the catcher goes to talk to the pitcher and again when a new hitter is coming up....  - they split the screen and run a 10 -15 second AD - I mean are you fucking kidding me !   

Now - I get that stations - some owned by the TEAM- pay for the rights to air games,,, and count on advertising dollars to off set that cost -  but where does it stop - Ads on Bases - Uniforms....  the more high profiler the payer the more the Banner on his back costs,,,,  Aaron Judge - is in Pepsi ads - so they then impose that Decal on his uniform back superimposed over the  99 ???  PEPSI is added down the legs of his uniform......  might seem far fetched right now...  but - and I'm going back a ways for this picture ,,, but only a couple of ads - GEM and Ballantine  above the Seats and Nothing on the actual outfield wall.... or on the levels between the decks.... 

this new ad trend is out of control - and needs to STOP ..... 


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