Saturday, January 30, 2021

So - I'm Done

 i normally try to get other points of view on issues ,, specially political issue,, and mostly since DUMP became the POTUS... But I'm Done.  No more FOX news,,,,  no more FB friends with opinions that are no becoming insane and less and less in touch with reality...  I've either blocked the content or just not seeing their posts.  I will review here some of what I have read lately - and either these people are actually delusional  or so blinded by DUMP that they knwo nothing else - reminds me of Jim Jones and people's Temple mass murder-suicide of himself and his followers - 909 people took their lives and those of their children,...   How do these people survive in everyday life ???  What > looking for Bigfoot ?? and  Space Dragons flying here from Behind the Sun to "crack the Earth Like a nut " -  Do they read the Enquirer like it was real News ??!?!?!  That Elvis is pumping gas at a Sinclair Gas station outside of Las Vegas ?  I get that it maybe the fringe of DUMPS followers that belive this - but you saw what they could do - on January 6th at the US capital !   What if they found AOC or Nancy Pelosi or Mike Pence ?? Would we have witnessed murder on live TV in the name of the POTUS??   and Assholes like Matt Gaetz & Ted Cruz  et al - think it was Antifa posing like GOP supporters that did this - when the people arrested are known Proud Boys ,, and Known POTUs supporters. Ok Let's get to it,.........

- I see Posts about Biden not do anything to stop the Pandemic - that after 10 days in office - No Progress.. TEN DAYS !!!  Well at least you gave him time to implement a plan ! ASSHOLES. Biden Was Stopped from getting regular briefings  even after the Congress Certified the Election results,  so he had to essentialy start at ZERO ! and where was this keen eye for Action in the Last 10 months of DUMPS Admin - that saw 400,000 Dead and the Country's economy in shambles. ?!?!?! Again ASSHOLES !!

- Posts from people how their taxes have gone up and they are earning less under the Biden Administration because of his Budget ,.... That is the Budget PROPOSAL you fucking assholes ! He has not sent it to Congress YET and of course they have not approved it or Dis- approved it !!  So whatever the hell has happened to your paycheck in the last 2 weeks is a result of the DUMP admin - NOT BIDEN !! JERKS !

- I see several posts about how the Military turned their backs on  Biden's  Motorcade !  that showed disrespect to him.... UMMM  They were there to protect him ! Some looking one way and some the other ,,, so that no attack could come from any direction without them seeing it !!  ASSHOLES !!

- That Biden was not sworn in as POTUS - that it was movie set  !  A movie Set !  that it was staged. That it took place BEFORE NOON and that was not allowed by the Constitution - JERKS JERKS and Dare I say JERKS !!!  Only the Time and Day of power transfer is documented by Law - NOON on January 20th - the incoming POTUs can actually take the OATH of Office any time Before that Time and day,,, but I guess that was too much for these A- Holes to read  !! 

- In  conjunction with "if he was the POTUS Elect - why did DUMP fly Air-force 1 Florida but Biden took a private plane from Delaware to DC" ....  Because DUMP was still POTUS at that time,,,, and that was the LAST Trip on AF 1 - and the Shit-head he was - he would not Send a Plane to get Biden from Delaware =  so Joe had no choice but to fly his charter to DC.  and what a big man - he slithered away to Florida with his asshole sons and daughter ..... instead of being a MAN and going to inauguration. If this was a 10 year old on your sports team and would not shake hands with the other team...  you'd like to smack them ! But this is the GUY you and I presume you want your children to look up to !  God Help us....

- Nancy Pelosi was actually arrested  - as were most of the DEMS  - because (and they must have keen eye sight ) to see as they say the Barbed wire was pointing inward toward the Capital - so that the authorities did not want anyone to get out !  Oh and she and others are being escorted everywhere by Federal Marshalls (I guess "they" know Federal Marshals) that shows they are really under Arrest !! WTF !!

- That the US was actually disolved back in 2018.... and that DUMPO  is the Prez of the New Country - that Washington DC is not "really" in the United States and therfore - Biden is only the Prez of DC not the US ! 

- Oh  - There is Fence Around the White House and the Military and others are keeping Biden there under arrest.  They there are armed Guards on the roof of the WH since Bidens arrival.... um  - I can't even del with this amount of Stupidity.

- Everything that Joe has done has been done from a Hollywood Movie Set - not the White House or even Washington DC..... Guess they recreated all of Arlington Cemetery for the "movie" and Bush, Clinton, Obama , were What ??  Holograms ??  

- Kamala Harris did not use a Bible to take the Oath  ! TRUE - she used TWO BIBLES !! 

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