Friday, January 8, 2021

I have no Words...

 What is there to say ???

The events of Wednesday will be remembered for Decades !  No one - and I mean no one - could have thought or prepared us for the fact that the biggest threat to our Democracy would have been the President of the United States ! Now - you snowflakes that support him  - continue to support him and By the Fucking way believed all his  rhetoric, Lies, and bullshit over the Past 4 years are - in my opinion - Complicent  in the Actions of those who stormed the Capital .  I believe that YOU KNEW he was wrong,,, you knew he was a LIAR - and now - now that this coup has failed, has been condemned by all corners of the country and the world are you saying that OH  you are so upset , feel so betrayed ,,, BULLSHIT ! 

IF Any - of the actions or words of this Mad Man over the past years had been spoken by Obama or Clinton - you would have come unglued ! But because it was the CHEETO man  - you looked the other Way - When it Was the BLM protesters you thought it unlawful,  When people went to the Streets to march in support about black people being killed - you turned away,,,,  BUT NOW that they have stormed the Capital - you have this BS righteous indignation - Spare me. 

That - ok I won't say the Word - Laura I on Fox news had the nerve - the nerve to play video of Protesters  over the past few years and compare them to what went on on Wednesday .,,,  She needs to be FIRED immediately ! 

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