Tuesday, January 26, 2021

 Yowza - 

Being alone is kinda a weird experiance .....   If this is the way it is after your Life partner leaves.... I don;t like it.... now this is temporary - couple of months I guess... so can easily do it.. Facetime helps  - so that you cannot only talk to be see the other person...  Work well with Grand children also - that they know what you look like even of you don;t see them,, and the grow so Quickly  - it's amazing... 

Anyway this alone time has me talking to the cats,, to the TV,,,, just talking out loud to no one - Don't think that a sign of Mental issues,, just not used to no one listening  (pretty sure my Wife ignores what I saw any way - ha) But at least you get to interact with someone.... And I don't really feel like cooking anything So I been going for Salads, and Cottage Cheese,..,..  I got some Chicken all cooked,,, but IF I eat anymore Chicken - I'm gonna start growing Feathers. !!! If you need to know - I'm making a meat loaf today... and some potatoes,,, might even do that On the Smoker Grill.....  over Broiled the glaze on the meatloaf,,, but not bad,,,and it was delicious,,,, so there's that ! 

Let's turn  to a little politics -  you can skip this part of you don;t care to read it...

I think there are 2 issues that have me wondering  as BOTH cannot be true - and I don;t see Anyone else discussing this....

1st - the Attack on the Capital Building - that now has many many people arrested and facing Federal Charges. Plus the House of Representatives has delivered article of Impeachment against the Former POTUS  to the Senate... 

So the Terrorists that invaded the Capital of our country  this say that they were acting on the Words

of the then President Dump. That they were literally following his instructions,.   What words ?? What did he say ...

  • Starting in December, Trump repeatedly encouraged his supporters on Twitter to show up for a “big protest” in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6, the day that Congress accepted the Electoral College votes.

  • At a Georgia rally Jan. 4, Trump told supporters “we’re going to take what they did to us on Nov. 3. We’re going to take it back.” 

  • In his speech before the riot, Trump praised supporters for showing up to “save our democracy.” He told supporters “we’re going to walk down to the Capitol ... You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

  Whats that sound like to you ?!?!?  

BUT the POTUS - Dump - says and his defense team - say that was all covered under the 1st Amendment - Free Speech - that he did no such thing

Can't have it both ways = saying that NO I did not say anything that indicted this RIOT  and the RIOTERS  defense is that they were acting on those Words,

2ndly - You cannot take credit for a Vaccine again the Virus that YOU said was a Hoax ! That it  Infected 15 people back when and that it was going to Zero - that we should drink disinfectants or Shine Lights down our Throats to combat the "rona virus... Mocked people for wearing masks, Ignored Science , and now you wanna take credit for a Vaccine to battle something YOU said did not Exist - FUCK YOU! 

And while we are drifting thru this nightmare - and the INSANE has been normalized.... we are surprised by nothing, that it takes a while for things to sink in...  Let me go back to the RIOT at the Capital. That the Sitting president said hHE was gonna walk to the Capital with the Terrorists.  that His attorney - Rudy - said it would be "Trial By Combat" and the Dump Jr said , warmed up the audience by warning of challenges to Republican members of Congress who did not back the pro-Trump efforts: “We’re coming for you,” he said.  NO ONE elected Rudy or Dump Jr - so he is responsible for that they said and did on his behalf.

Now- let this sink in ,,, The Capital of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was attacked during a Joint session of Congress - all the Representatives, and Senators in attendance Plus the Vice President of the US.  A huge target !!  and who attacked them ??  A  Horde of Murders and Gang members coming  from Mexico and South America  ??  The Muslims ???  ISIS terrorists,,,   Radicalized Islamics, ???  Antifa supports,, the BLM supporters ????  

NO - it was The Followers of the President  of the United States...

Think about that......,. Think about it  - outside the context of the former POTUS....  

It's not Possible,.... Right,,, I mean WTF???  Can you een imagine this happening in any other administration ???  Obama, Bush , W, Clinton , Reagan - No you can't now way,, but Dump made the Surreal - Real .....  and Damn near destroyed the Republic. 

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