Thursday, February 4, 2021

I know ,,, I know I said enough is enough,,,,, but

 Ok - let's talk 2nd Impeachment of Dump..

And forget those who say that he has not been impeached the 2nd time - yet - HE WAS !! 

Now I hear arguments - from Senators and Others that it is not constitutional to Impeach him and have a Senate Trial as he is not holding any office.... hummmm  so 2 things,

1) Does that give Lame duck POTUS/VP/Senators/Representatives a Blank check - do and say what you will - you cannot be held accountable as you will be out of office before a trial ever Takes place ?!?!

2) We have a branch of Government that deals with the Constitutionality of things - Don't we - !!  It's the Judicial Branch ...   The Supreme Court .....  Senators - you do your job , let the S.C do it's job - if that day ever comes .....   don't let  the defense or the Senators be the Judges of the Constitution... 

Next - this Bat SHIT crazy  person.......  

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is a One-Stop Shop For All Things Insane..

before we start let me say that I agree   - People make mistakes and say Stupid things,,,IF - IF they make amends - say they are sorry for saying them, and saying that they do not think that way anymore... OK - 

But let's look at this Full Goose Bozo .......

- Says that Jews have a Space Laser that they pointed at California to start the Wild Fires there.

Greene believes that the Parkland shooting, which killed which killed 17 students and staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on Valentine’s Day in 2018, was a hoax.  if that was not enough,,, she Shared a Facebook post -  “Sandy Hook was a “STAGGED SHOOTING.” Greene replies “That is all true.”

- 9/11 was a hoax, no plane hit the Pentagon,...  

- She agrees with QAnon  -and thinks that a cabal of rich Hollywood actors, prominent Democrats, and super rich people (mostly Jewish) hold Satanic rituals, engage in child trafficking, pedophilia, murder, and organ harvesting. Donald Trump was supposed to suddenly rise up and expose it all! Except, he didn’t. Yet. 

- she thinks that the Las Vegas mass shooting was a planned event - she asked: “How do you get avid gun owners and people who support the 2nd Amendment to give up their guns and go along with anti-gun legislation? … Maybe you accomplish that by performing a mass shooting into a crowd that is very likely to be conservative, very likely to vote Republican, very likely to be Trump supporters and pro-2nd Amendment.

Greene said regarding Q - that's the QAnon . “He has talked about an interesting triangle — Saudi Arabia, the Rothschilds and (George) Soros are the puppet masters who fund this global evil. OK, so, I would definitely believe that.”

 Greene served as the national director of a far-right Facebook group that expressed support for executing leading Democrats and featured violent memes amplifying conspiracy theories.

Ok - the list goes on and on,,so - don;t believe me - go look your self - you will find interviews, Videos, etc that prove what I just wrote here is 100% true !

You have to ask - why isn't ever Republican Person in the Congress condemning this and calling for her ouster !?!?? i can't answer that one !

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